library(Matrix) library(hdf5r) library(ComplexHeatmap) # used for pretty and interactive heatmaps library(plotly) ### TODO fix zoom in on heatmap # plot_heatmap <- function(region_input,brush = NULL){ # # TODO test on Rstudio # m = matrix(runif(100,0,100) ,10,10) # rownames(m) = letters[1:10] # colnames(m) = letters[1:10] # # g = ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(m) # # # use ranges to filter the heatmap # if (!is.null(brush)){ # lt = ComplexHeatmap:::get_pos_from_brush(brush) # pos1 = lt[[1]] # pos2 = lt[[2]] # pos = selectArea(g, mark = FALSE, pos1 = pos1, pos2 = pos2, # verbose = FALSE, ht_pos = ComplexHeatmap::ht_pos_on_device(g)) # # # row_index = unlist(pos[1, "row_index"]) # column_index = unlist(pos[1, "column_index"]) # m = g@ht_list[[1]]@matrix # ht_select = Heatmap(m[row_index, column_index, drop = FALSE], # col = g@ht_list[[1]]@matrix_color_mapping@col_fun, # show_heatmap_legend = FALSE, # cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE) # draw(ht_select) # # } # # # return(g) # } # # is_valid_region <- function(region) { # # do stuff to verify input (should be a named list) # valid = TRUE # if (valid){ # return(region) # } else{ # return(NULL) # } # # } # plot_gene_comp <- function(input, genes) { # # if (input$gcomp_submit == 0) { # # placeholder_df <- data.frame(x = 1:5, y = 4:8, gene = rep("gene", 5)) # # placeholder_p <- ( # # ggplot2::ggplot(data = placeholder_df) # # + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y)) # # + ggplot2::theme_classic() # # # + ggplot2::coord_fixed() # # + ggplot2::theme(axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size=12), # # axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size=22)) # # + ggplot2::theme(axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(margin = ggplot2::unit(c(10, 0, 0, 0), "mm")), # # axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(margin = ggplot2::unit(c(0, 10, 0, 0), "mm"))) # # ) # # return(list(plot = placeholder_p, data = placeholder_df)) # # } # selection_metric <- METRICS[input$gcomp_metric1] # metric_1 <- METRICS[input$gcomp_metric2] # metric_2 <- METRICS[input$gcomp_metric3] # hf <- H5File$new(file.path(DATADIR, input$gcomp_species, # paste0(input$gcomp_species, "_gene_gene_metrics.hdf5")), # mode = "r") # # if (any(c(selection_metric, metric_1, metric_2) %in% c("coexpression"))) { # genes <- hf[[file.path(input$gcomp_resolution, "coexpression", "regions", "extra")]][] # } else { # genes <- hf[[file.path(input$gcomp_resolution, "contacts", "regions", "extra")]][] # } # # target_genes <- hf[[file.path(input$gcomp_resolution, selection_metric, "regions", "extra")]][] # m1_genes <- hf[[file.path(input$gcomp_resolution, metric_1, "regions", "extra")]][] # m2_genes <- hf[[file.path(input$gcomp_resolution, metric_2, "regions", "extra")]][] # # target_gene_index <- grep(input$gcomp_gene, target_genes, fixed=TRUE)[1] # m1_gene_index <- grep(input$gcomp_gene, m1_genes, fixed=TRUE)[1] # m2_gene_index <- grep(input$gcomp_gene, m2_genes, fixed=TRUE)[1] # # target_vector <- hf[[file.path(input$gcomp_resolution, selection_metric, "matrix")]][target_gene_index, ] # names(target_vector) <- target_genes # target_vector <- target_vector[genes] # m1_vector <- hf[[file.path(input$gcomp_resolution, metric_1, "matrix")]][m1_gene_index, ] # names(m1_vector) <- m1_genes # m1_vector <- m1_vector[genes] # m2_vector <- hf[[file.path(input$gcomp_resolution, metric_2, "matrix")]][m2_gene_index, ] # names(m2_vector) <- m2_genes # m2_vector <- m2_vector[genes] # # # target_vector_genes <- names(target_vector)[order(target_vector, decreasing=TRUE)[1:(input$gcomp_topngenes+1)]] # if (input$gcomp_gene %in% target_vector_genes) { # target_vector_genes <- target_vector_genes[target_vector_genes != input$gcomp_gene] # } else { # target_vector_genes <- target_vector_genes[1:input$gcomp_topngenes] # } # x <- m1_vector[target_vector_genes] # y <- m2_vector[target_vector_genes] # hf$close_all() # df <- data.frame(x = x, y = y, gene = target_vector_genes) # colnames(df) <- c(metric_1, metric_2, "gene") # p <- ( # ggplot2::ggplot(data = df) # + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes_string(x = colnames(df)[1], y = colnames(df)[2])) # + ggplot2::theme_classic() # # + ggplot2::coord_fixed() # + ggplot2::theme(axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size=12), # axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size=22)) # + ggplot2::theme(axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(margin = ggplot2::unit(c(10, 0, 0, 0), "mm")), # axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(margin = ggplot2::unit(c(0, 10, 0, 0), "mm"))) # ) # return(list(plot = p, data = df)) # } function(input,output,session){ { # home page stuff # Switch tabs observeEvent(input$to_gdata,{ updateTabItems(session,'tabs','gdata') }) observeEvent(input$to_gcomp,{ updateTabItems(session,'tabs','gcomp') }) } # end home page stuff # { # tab 1 stuff # species1 <- reactive({ input$gdata_species }) # # gene_lists 'react' to the species input # genelist1 <- reactive({ # hf <- H5File$new(file.path(DATADIR, input$gdata_species, # paste0(input$gdata_species, "_gene_gene_metrics.hdf5")), # mode = "r") # genes <- hf[[file.path("40kbp", "shared_contacts", "regions", "extra")]][] # hf$close_all() # return(genes) # }) # # did the gene_list (ie.species) change?? # observeEvent(species1(), { # updateSelectizeInput(session, # 'gdata_gene', choices = genelist1(), server = TRUE # ) # }) # # # reacts to 'textinputs' # region_input = reactive({ # reg = list(region1 = input$gdata_region1 , region2 = input$gdata_region2 ) # # not yet implemented - returns boolean if valid # is_valid_region(reg) # returns the region as a named list if true, else return some fail flag # }) # # update the heat map if the inputs change # observeEvent(region_input(), { # if (! is.null(region_input()) ) { # # use the region to get a matrix and plot the heatmap # # output$tab1_heatmap <- renderPlot({ # plot_heatmap(region_input() , brush = input$heatmap_brush ) # }) # } # }) # # did the user brush and double click on the heatmap? # # NOTE: ranges gives the x and y coordiantes (not indices) # ranges <- reactiveValues(x = NULL, y = NULL) # observeEvent(input$heatmap_dblclick, { # brush <- input$heatmap_brush # if (!is.null(brush)) { # does a brush exist? if so get values # ranges$x <- c(brush$xmin, brush$xmax) # ranges$y <- c(brush$ymin, brush$ymax) # } else { # no bush? reset axes # ranges$x <- NULL # ranges$y <- NULL # } # }) # # observeEvent(ranges(), # # output$tab1_heatmap <- renderPlot({ # # plot_heatmap(region_input() , ranges() ) # # }) # # ) # # Download execution options # output$downloader <- downloadHandler( # filename = function() { # 'hic_download.tsv' # }, # content = function(con) { # if(length(input$downloadOption)==0){} # else{switch(input$downloadOption, # '1' = { # tmp = data.frame(col1 = letters[1:5],col2= LETTERS[1:5]) # write.table(tmp, con , row.names = F,sep='\t') # }, # '2' = { # tmp = data.frame(col1 = LETTERS[1:5],col2= letters[1:5]) # write.table(tmp, con , row.names = F,sep='\t') # } # )} # } # ) # } # end tab 1 stuff # { # tab 2 stuff # gcomp_res <- reactive({ # hf <- H5File$new(file.path(DATADIR, input$gcomp_species, # paste0(input$gcomp_species, "_gene_gene_metrics.hdf5")), # mode = "r") # resolutions <- names(hf)[endsWith(names(hf), "bp")] # hf$close_all() # return(resolutions) # }) # observeEvent(input$gcomp_species, { # updatePickerInput(session, # 'gcomp_resolution', choices = gcomp_res() # ) # }) # gcomp_params <- bindCache( # reactive({ # return(c(input$gcomp_species, input$gcomp_metric1 , input$gcomp_metric2, input$gcomp_metric3)) # }), # (input$gcomp_metric1 == "Co-Expression" # || input$gcomp_metric2 == "Co-Expression" # || input$gcomp_metric3 == "Co-Expression") # ) # # gcomp_params <- reactive({ # # return(c(input$gcomp_species, input$gcomp_metric1, # # input$gcomp_metric2, input$gcomp_metric3)) # # }) # genelist2 <- reactive({ # if (any(c(input$gcomp_metric1, input$gcomp_metric2, input$gcomp_metric3) # %in% c("Co-Expression"))) { # gtype <- "coexp" # } else { # gtype <- "general" # } # genes <- read.table(file.path(DATADIR, input$gcomp_species, # paste(input$gcomp_species, gtype, "genelist.csv", sep = "_")), # header = FALSE, sep = ",")[, 1] # }) # # did the gene_list (ie.species) change?? # observeEvent(gcomp_params(), { # updateSelectizeInput(session, # 'gcomp_gene', choices = genelist2(), server = TRUE # ) # }) # # { # placeholder stuff # # output$tab2_scatter <- renderPlot({ # # plot_gene_comp(input, genelist2())[["plot"]] # # }) # # # disable("gcomp_img_download") # # # disable("gcomp_data_download") # # } # observeEvent(input$gcomp_submit, # { # # output$tab2_scatter <- renderPlot({ # # plot_gene_comp(input, genelist2())[["plot"]] # # }) # output$tab2_scatter <- renderCachedPlot( # { # plot_gene_comp(input, genelist2())[["plot"]] # }, # { # input$gcomp_submit # } # ) # # enable("gcomp_img_download") # # enable("gcomp_data_download") # } # ) # output$gcomp_img_download <- downloadHandler( # filename = function() { # "gene_comparison.png" # }, # content = function(con) { # ggplot2::ggsave(con, plot = plot_gene_comp(input, genelist2())[["plot"]], dev = "png", # width = 8, height = 8, units = "in", dpi = 300) # }, # contentType = "image/png" # ) # output$gcomp_data_download <- downloadHandler( # filename = function() { # paste0("gene_comp_", input$gcomp_species, "_", input$gcomp_gene, # "_by_", METRICS[input$gcomp_metric1], ".csv") # }, # content = function(con) { # write.table(plot_gene_comp(input, genelist2())[["data"]], file = con, sep = ",", # quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE) # }, # contentType = "text/csv" # ) # } # end tab 2 stuff { # download page stuff downloadaggres <- reactive({ resolutions <- c() for (entry in list.files(file.path(DATADIR, input$download_aggspecies), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "[0-9]+kbp_raw")) { if ([1, "isdir"] && file.exists(file.path(entry, paste(input$download_aggspecies, gsub("_raw", "", basename(entry), fixed = TRUE), "aggregate.h5", sep = "_"))) ) { resolutions <- c(resolutions, basename(entry)) } } resolutions <- gsub("_raw", "", resolutions) resolutions <- names(sort(RESORDER[resolutions])) message('resolutions: ', resolutions) return(resolutions) }) observeEvent(downloadaggres(), { updatePickerInput(session, 'download_aggresolution', choices = downloadaggres() ) }) output$download_aggdownload <- downloadHandler( filename = function() { basename(file.path(DATADIR, input$download_aggspecies, paste0(input$download_aggresolution, "_raw"), paste(input$download_aggspecies, input$download_aggresolution, "aggregate.h5", sep = "_"))) }, content = function(con) { download_path <- file.path(DATADIR, input$download_aggspecies, paste0(input$download_aggresolution, "_raw"), paste(input$download_aggspecies, input$download_aggresolution, "aggregate.h5", sep = "_")) file.copy(download_path, con) }, contentType = "application/octet-stream" ) downloadgeneres <- reactive({ resolutions <- c() for (entry in list.files(file.path(DATADIR, input$download_genespecies), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "[0-9]+kbp_raw")) { if ([1, "isdir"] && file.exists(file.path(entry, paste(input$download_genespecies, gsub("_raw", "", basename(entry), fixed = TRUE), "aggregate.h5", sep = "_")))) { resolutions <- c(resolutions, basename(entry)) } } resolutions <- gsub("_raw", "", resolutions) resolutions <- names(sort(RESORDER[resolutions])) return(resolutions) }) observeEvent(input$download_genespecies, { updatePickerInput(session, 'download_generesolution', choices = downloadgeneres() ) }) output$download_genedownload <- downloadHandler( filename = function() { paste0( paste(input$download_gene, input$download_genespecies, input$download_generesolution, sep = "_"), ".bdg" ) }, content = function(con) { df <- read.table(file.path(DATADIR, input$download_genespecies, paste(input$download_generesolution, "raw", sep = "_"), paste(input$download_genespecies, input$download_generesolution, "intervals.csv", sep = "_")), header = FALSE, sep = ",", col.names = c("chr", "start", "end")) hf_path <- file.path(DATADIR, input$download_genespecies, paste(input$download_generesolution, "raw", sep = "_"), paste(input$download_genespecies, input$download_generesolution, "gene_vectors.hdf5", sep = "_") ) hf <- H5File$new(hf_path, mode = "r") gene_vector <- hf[[input$download_gene]][] df[["score"]] <- gene_vector header <- sprintf("track\ttype=bedGraph\tname=%s\n", paste(input$download_gene, input$download_genespecies, input$download_generesolution, "hic_contacts", sep = "_")) filename <- tempfile(pattern = "hic_download_gene_", tmpdir = file.path(DATADIR, "tmp"), fileext = ".bdg") cat(header, file = filename) write.table(df, sep = "\t", file = filename, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE) file.copy(filename, con) file.remove(filename) }, contentType = "text/plain" ) download_genelist <- reactive({ genes = read.csv(file.path(DATADIR, input$download_genespecies, paste(input$download_genespecies, "gene_vector_genes.csv", sep = "_")), col.names = c("gene"))[["gene"]] genes }) # did the gene_list (ie.species) change?? observeEvent(input$download_genespecies, { tryCatch({ updateSelectizeInput(session, 'download_gene', choices = download_genelist(),selected = download_genelist()[1],server = TRUE ) },error=function(e){}) }) } # end download page stuff }