% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ggCountHeatmap.R \name{ggDomain} \alias{ggDomain} \title{Add a Topological Domain to a Count Heatmap} \usage{ ggDomain(td, dx = NULL, delta = 0.04, vline = 0, size = 2, color = "#666666") } \arguments{ \item{td}{A single-row data.frame.} \item{dx, delta, vline}{Absolute distance to heatmap. If \code{dx = NULL} (default), then \code{dx = delta * w + vline} where \code{w} is the width of the domain.} \item{size, color}{The thickness and color of the domain line.} } \value{ A \link[ggplot2:geom_segment]{ggplot2::geom_segment} object to be added to the count heatmap. } \description{ Add a Topological Domain to a Count Heatmap }