% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ggCountHeatmap.R \name{ggDomainLabel} \alias{ggDomainLabel} \title{Add a Topological Domain Label to a Count Heatmap} \usage{ ggDomainLabel( td, fmt = "\%s: \%.2f - \%.2f Mbp", rot = 45, dx = 0, vjust = 2.5, cex = 1.5 ) } \arguments{ \item{td}{A single-row data.frame.} \item{fmt}{The \link[base:sprintf]{base::sprintf}-format string taking (chromosome, start, stop) as (string, numeric, numeric) input.} \item{rot}{The amount of rotation in [0,360] of label.} \item{dx, vjust}{The vertical adjustment of the label (relative to rotation)} \item{cex}{The scale factor of the label.} } \value{ A \link[ggplot2:ggproto]{ggplot2::ggproto} object to be added to the count heatmap. } \description{ Add a Topological Domain Label to a Count Heatmap }