% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/readHiC.R \name{readHiC} \alias{readHiC} \title{Reads Hi-C Contact Data from File} \usage{ readHiC( file, chr = NULL, binSize = NULL, ..., debug = getOption("TopDom.debug", FALSE) ) } \arguments{ \item{file}{The pathname of a normalize Hi-C contact matrix file stored as a whitespace-delimited file. See below for details. Also a gzip-compressed file can be used.} \item{chr, binSize}{If the file contains a count matrix without bin annotation, the latter is created from these parameters.} \item{debug}{If \code{TRUE}, debug output is produced.} \item{\ldots}{Arguments passed to \code{\link[utils:read.table]{utils::read.table()}} as-is.} } \value{ A list with elements \code{bins} (an N-by-4 data.frame) and \code{counts} (N-by-N matrix). } \description{ Reads Hi-C Contact Data from File } \section{Format of HiC contact-matrix file}{ The contact-matrix file should be a whitespace-delimited text file with neither row names nor column names. The content should be a N-by-(3+N) table where the first three columns correspond to \code{chr} (string), \code{from.coord} (integer position), and \code{to.coord} (integer position). These column defines the genomic location of the N Hi-C bins (in order). The last N columns should contain normalized contact counts (float) such that element (r,3+c) in this table corresponds to count (r,c) in the normalized contact matrix. If an N-by-(4+N) table, then the first column is assumed to contain an \code{id} (integer), and everything else as above. Example: \preformatted{ chr10 0 40000 0 0 0 0 ... chr10 40000 80000 0 0 0 0 ... chr10 80000 120000 0 0 0 0 ... chr10 120000 160000 0 0 0 0 ... ... } } \examples{ path <- system.file("exdata", package = "TopDom", mustWork = TRUE) ## Original count data chr <- "chr19" pathname <- file.path(path, sprintf("nij.\%s.gz", chr)) data <- readHiC(pathname, chr = chr, binSize = 40e3) print(data) str(data) } \seealso{ \link{TopDom}. }