2021-05-20 09:35:42 [INFO] Starting. 2021-05-20 09:35:42 [INFO] Processing SRP113633 2021-05-20 09:35:42 [INFO] Processing SRP113633-SRX3992131 2021-05-20 09:35:42 [INFO] Processing SRP113633-SRX3992131-SRR7061199 2021-05-20 09:35:42 [INFO] SRR7061199 : Building trans raw network for main chromosomes. 2021-05-20 09:48:00 [INFO] Reporting dataset statistics ... Trans : 22313371 (100.00%) Invalid Locus : 0 (0.00%) Total Contacts : 22313371 2021-05-20 09:48:00 [INFO] Processing SRP113633-SRX3992132 2021-05-20 09:48:00 [INFO] Processing SRP113633-SRX3992132-SRR7061200 2021-05-20 09:48:00 [INFO] SRR7061200 : Building trans raw network for main chromosomes. 2021-05-20 09:54:19 [ERROR] ERROR: SRR7061200.sra.53958175 chr1 229423565 chrM 16573 + - has a locus larger than the size of the chromosome! Skipping. 2021-05-20 09:59:14 [INFO] Reporting dataset statistics ... Trans : 24463647 (100.00%) Invalid Locus : 1 (0.00%) Total Contacts : 24463648 2021-05-20 09:59:14 [INFO] Processing SRP113633-SRX3992133 2021-05-20 09:59:14 [INFO] Processing SRP113633-SRX3992133-SRR7061201 2021-05-20 09:59:14 [INFO] SRR7061201 : Building trans raw network for main chromosomes. 2021-05-20 10:03:26 [ERROR] ERROR: SRR7061201.sra.184656528 chr2 146304528 chrM 16573 - - has a locus larger than the size of the chromosome! Skipping. 2021-05-20 10:09:06 [INFO] Reporting dataset statistics ... Trans : 17837830 (100.00%) Invalid Locus : 1 (0.00%) Total Contacts : 17837831 2021-05-20 10:09:06 [INFO] Processing SRP113633-SRX3992134 2021-05-20 10:09:06 [INFO] Processing SRP113633-SRX3992134-SRR7061202 2021-05-20 10:09:06 [INFO] SRR7061202 : Building trans raw network for main chromosomes. 2021-05-20 10:17:08 [ERROR] ERROR: SRR7061202.sra.24496230 chr4 185782821 chrM 16573 - - has a locus larger than the size of the chromosome! Skipping. 2021-05-20 10:17:09 [ERROR] ERROR: SRR7061202.sra.29479929 chr6 157708700 chrM 16573 + - has a locus larger than the size of the chromosome! Skipping. 2021-05-20 10:19:16 [INFO] Reporting dataset statistics ... Trans : 21632874 (100.00%) Invalid Locus : 2 (0.00%) Total Contacts : 21632876 2021-05-20 10:19:16 [INFO] Processing SRP113633-SRX3992130 2021-05-20 10:19:16 [INFO] Processing SRP113633-SRX3992130-SRR7061198 2021-05-20 10:19:16 [INFO] SRR7061198 : Building trans raw network for main chromosomes. 2021-05-20 10:27:00 [ERROR] ERROR: SRR7061198.sra.134879735 chr5 100964597 chrM 16573 - - has a locus larger than the size of the chromosome! Skipping. 2021-05-20 10:30:44 [INFO] Reporting dataset statistics ... Trans : 21624777 (100.00%) Invalid Locus : 1 (0.00%) Total Contacts : 21624778 2021-05-20 10:30:44 [INFO] Processing SRP113633-SRX3992135 2021-05-20 10:30:44 [INFO] Processing SRP113633-SRX3992135-SRR7061203 2021-05-20 10:30:44 [INFO] SRR7061203 : Building trans raw network for main chromosomes. 2021-05-20 10:42:53 [INFO] Reporting dataset statistics ... Trans : 21243363 (100.00%) Invalid Locus : 0 (0.00%) Total Contacts : 21243363 2021-05-20 10:42:53 [INFO] Finished.