# Functions to help with the OpenBLAS build # Reads string from getarch into CMake vars. Format of getarch vars is VARNAME=VALUE function(ParseGetArchVars GETARCH_IN) string(REGEX MATCHALL "[0-9_a-zA-Z]+=[0-9_a-zA-Z]+" GETARCH_RESULT_LIST "${GETARCH_IN}") foreach (GETARCH_LINE ${GETARCH_RESULT_LIST}) # split the line into var and value, then assign the value to a CMake var string(REGEX MATCHALL "[0-9_a-zA-Z]+" SPLIT_VAR "${GETARCH_LINE}") list(GET SPLIT_VAR 0 VAR_NAME) list(GET SPLIT_VAR 1 VAR_VALUE) set(${VAR_NAME} ${VAR_VALUE} PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach () endfunction () # Reads a Makefile into CMake vars. macro(ParseMakefileVars MAKEFILE_IN) message(STATUS "Reading vars from ${MAKEFILE_IN}...") set (C_COMPILER ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID}) set (IfElse 0) set (ElseSeen 0) set (SkipIfs 0) set (SkipElse 0) file(STRINGS ${MAKEFILE_IN} makefile_contents) foreach (makefile_line ${makefile_contents}) #message(STATUS "parsing ${makefile_line}") # Skip the entire scope of the else statement given that the if statement that precedes it has the valid condition. # The variable SkipIfs is used to identify which endif statement closes the scope of the else statement. if (${SkipElse} EQUAL 1) #message(STATUS "skipping ${makefile_line}") string(REGEX MATCH "(ifeq|ifneq|ifdef|ifndef) .*$" line_match "${makefile_line}") if (NOT "${line_match}" STREQUAL "") MATH(EXPR SkipIfs "${SkipIfs}+1") endif () string(REGEX MATCH "endif[ \t]*" line_match "${makefile_line}") if (NOT "${line_match}" STREQUAL "") if (${SkipIfs} EQUAL 0) set (SkipElse 0) else () MATH(EXPR SkipIfs "${SkipIfs}-1") endif () endif () continue () endif () # The variable IfElse is greater than 0 if and only if the previously parsed line is an if statement. if (${IfElse} GREATER 0) # If the current scope is the one that has to be skipped, the if/endif/else statements # along with it till the endif that closes the current scope have to be ignored as well. string(REGEX MATCH "(ifeq|ifneq|ifdef|ifndef) .*$" line_match "${makefile_line}") if (NOT "${line_match}" STREQUAL "") if ((${IfElse} EQUAL 2 AND ${ElseSeen} EQUAL 0) OR (${IfElse} EQUAL 1 AND ${ElseSeen} EQUAL 1)) #message(STATUS "skipping ${makefile_line}") MATH(EXPR SkipIfs "${SkipIfs}+1") continue () endif () endif () string(REGEX MATCH "endif[ \t]*" line_match "${makefile_line}") if (NOT "${line_match}" STREQUAL "") if (${SkipIfs} EQUAL 0) #message(STATUS "ENDIF ${makefile_line}") set (IfElse 0) set (ElseSeen 0) else () #message(STATUS "skipping ${makefile_line}") MATH(EXPR SkipIfs "${SkipIfs}-1") endif () continue () endif () string(REGEX MATCH "else[ \t]*" line_match "${makefile_line}") if (NOT "${line_match}" STREQUAL "") if (${SkipIfs} EQUAL 0) #message(STATUS "ELSE ${makefile_line}") set (ElseSeen 1) else () #message(STATUS "skipping ${makefile_line}") endif () continue () endif() # Skip the lines that are not part of the path that has to be taken. if ((${IfElse} EQUAL 2 AND ${ElseSeen} EQUAL 0) OR (${IfElse} EQUAL 1 AND ${ElseSeen} EQUAL 1) OR (${SkipIfs} GREATER 0)) #message(STATUS "skipping ${makefile_line}") continue () endif () endif () # Skip commented lines (the ones that start with '#') string(REGEX MATCH "[ \t]*\\#.*$" line_match "${makefile_line}") if (NOT "${line_match}" STREQUAL "") #message(STATUS "skipping ${makefile_line}") continue () endif () string(REGEX MATCH "([0-9_a-zA-Z]+)[ \t]*=[ \t]*(.+)$" line_match "${makefile_line}") if (NOT "${line_match}" STREQUAL "") #message(STATUS "match on ${line_match}") set(var_name ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) #set(var_value ${CMAKE_MATCH_2}) string(STRIP ${CMAKE_MATCH_2} var_value) # check for Makefile variables in the string, e.g. $(TSUFFIX) string(REGEX MATCHALL "\\$\\(([0-9_a-zA-Z]+)\\)" make_var_matches ${var_value}) foreach (make_var ${make_var_matches}) # strip out Makefile $() markup string(REGEX REPLACE "\\$\\(([0-9_a-zA-Z]+)\\)" "\\1" make_var ${make_var}) # now replace the instance of the Makefile variable with the value of the CMake variable (note the double quote) string(REPLACE "$(${make_var})" "${${make_var}}" var_value ${var_value}) endforeach () set(${var_name} ${var_value}) continue () endif () # Include a new file to be parsed string(REGEX MATCH "include \\$\\(KERNELDIR\\)/(.+)$" line_match "${makefile_line}") if (NOT "${line_match}" STREQUAL "") #message(STATUS "match on include ${line_match}") ParseMakefileVars(${KERNELDIR}/${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) continue () endif () # The if statement that precedes this else has the path taken # Thus, this else statement has to be skipped. string(REGEX MATCH "else[ \t]*" line_match "${makefile_line}") if (NOT "${line_match}" STREQUAL "") #message(STATUS "skipping ${makefile_line}") set (SkipElse 1) continue() endif() # Example 1: ifdef HAVE_MSA # Example 2: ifndef ZNRM2KERNEL string(REGEX MATCH "(ifdef|ifndef) ([0-9_A-Z]+)" line_match "${makefile_line}") if (NOT "${line_match}" STREQUAL "") #message(STATUS "${CMAKE_MATCH_1} first: ${CMAKE_MATCH_2}") set (ElseSeen 0) if (${CMAKE_MATCH_2}) if (${CMAKE_MATCH_1} STREQUAL "ifdef") #message (STATUS "condition is true") set (IfElse 1) else () set (IfElse 2) endif () else () if (${CMAKE_MATCH_1} STREQUAL "ifdef") set (IfElse 2) else () #message (STATUS "condition is true") set (IfElse 1) endif () endif () continue () endif () # Example 1: ifeq ($(SGEMM_UNROLL_M), 16) # Example 2: ifeq ($(SGEMM_UNROLL_M)x$(SGEMM_UNROLL_N), 8x8) # Example 3: ifeq ($(__BYTE_ORDER__)$(ELF_VERSION),__ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__2) # Ignore the second group since (?:...) does not work on cmake string(REGEX MATCH "ifeq \\(\\$\\(([0-9_A-Z]+)\\)(([0-9_A-Za-z]*)\\$\\(([0-9_A-Z]+)\\))?,[ \t]*([0-9_A-Za-z]+)\\)" line_match "${makefile_line}") if (NOT "${line_match}" STREQUAL "") #message(STATUS "IFEQ: ${line_match} first: ${CMAKE_MATCH_1} second: ${CMAKE_MATCH_3} third: ${CMAKE_MATCH_4} fourth: ${CMAKE_MATCH_5}") if (DEFINED ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) if (DEFINED ${CMAKE_MATCH_4}) set (STR ${${CMAKE_MATCH_1}}${CMAKE_MATCH_3}${${CMAKE_MATCH_4}}) else () set (STR ${${CMAKE_MATCH_1}}) endif () if (${STR} STREQUAL ${CMAKE_MATCH_5}) #message (STATUS "condition is true") set (IfElse 1) continue () endif () endif () set (IfElse 2) continue () endif () # Example 1 (Group 3): ifneq ($(SGEMM_UNROLL_M), $(SGEMM_UNROLL_N)) # Example 2 (Group 4): ifneq ($(C_COMPILER), PGI) string(REGEX MATCH "ifneq \\(\\$\\(([0-9_A-Z]+)\\),[ \t]*(\\$\\(([0-9_A-Z]+)\\)|([0-9_A-Z]+))\\)" line_match "${makefile_line}") if (NOT "${line_match}" STREQUAL "") #message(STATUS "IFNEQ: ${line_match} first: ${CMAKE_MATCH_1} second: ${CMAKE_MATCH_3} third: ${CMAKE_MATCH_4}") set (ElseSeen 0) set (HasValidGroup 0) if (DEFINED ${CMAKE_MATCH_3}) set (HasValidGroup 1) set (STR ${${CMAKE_MATCH_3}}) elseif (NOT ${CMAKE_MATCH_4} STREQUAL "") set (HasValidGroup 1) set (STR ${CMAKE_MATCH_4}) endif () if (DEFINED ${CMAKE_MATCH_1} AND ${HasValidGroup} EQUAL 1) if (NOT (${${CMAKE_MATCH_1}} STREQUAL ${STR})) #message (STATUS "condition is true") set (IfElse 1) continue () endif () endif () set (IfElse 2) continue () endif () #message(STATUS "unmatched line ${line_match}") endforeach () endmacro () # Returns all combinations of the input list, as a list with colon-separated combinations # E.g. input of A B C returns A B C A:B A:C B:C # N.B. The input is meant to be a list, and to past a list to a function in CMake you must quote it (e.g. AllCombinations("${LIST_VAR}")). # #param absent_codes codes to use when an element is absent from a combination. For example, if you have TRANS;UNIT;UPPER you may want the code to be NNL when nothing is present. # @returns LIST_OUT a list of combinations # CODES_OUT a list of codes corresponding to each combination, with N meaning the item is not present, and the first letter of the list item meaning it is presen function(AllCombinations list_in absent_codes_in) list(LENGTH list_in list_count) set(num_combos 1) # subtract 1 since we will iterate from 0 to num_combos math(EXPR num_combos "(${num_combos} << ${list_count}) - 1") set(LIST_OUT "") set(CODES_OUT "") foreach (c RANGE 0 ${num_combos}) set(current_combo "") set(current_code "") # this is a little ridiculous just to iterate through a list w/ indices math(EXPR last_list_index "${list_count} - 1") foreach (list_index RANGE 0 ${last_list_index}) math(EXPR bit "1 << ${list_index}") math(EXPR combo_has_bit "${c} & ${bit}") list(GET list_in ${list_index} list_elem) if (combo_has_bit) if (current_combo) set(current_combo "${current_combo}:${list_elem}") else () set(current_combo ${list_elem}) endif () string(SUBSTRING ${list_elem} 0 1 code_char) else () list(GET absent_codes_in ${list_index} code_char) endif () set(current_code "${current_code}${code_char}") endforeach () if (current_combo STREQUAL "") list(APPEND LIST_OUT " ") # Empty set is a valid combination, but CMake isn't appending the empty string for some reason, use a space else () list(APPEND LIST_OUT ${current_combo}) endif () list(APPEND CODES_OUT ${current_code}) endforeach () set(LIST_OUT ${LIST_OUT} PARENT_SCOPE) set(CODES_OUT ${CODES_OUT} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () # generates object files for each of the sources, using the BLAS naming scheme to pass the function name as a preprocessor definition # @param sources_in the source files to build from # @param defines_in (optional) preprocessor definitions that will be applied to all objects # @param name_in (optional) if this is set this name will be used instead of the filename. Use a * to indicate where the float character should go, if no star the character will be prepended. # e.g. with DOUBLE set, "i*max" will generate the name "idmax", and "max" will be "dmax" # @param replace_last_with replaces the last character in the filename with this string (e.g. symm_k should be symm_TU) # @param append_with appends the filename with this string (e.g. trmm_R should be trmm_RTUU or some other combination of characters) # @param no_float_type turns off the float type define for this build (e.g. SINGLE/DOUBLE/etc) # @param complex_filename_scheme some routines have separate source files for complex and non-complex float types. # 0 - compiles for all types # 1 - compiles the sources for non-complex types only (SINGLE/DOUBLE) # 2 - compiles for complex types only (COMPLEX/DOUBLE COMPLEX) # 3 - compiles for all types, but changes source names for complex by prepending z (e.g. axpy.c becomes zaxpy.c) # 4 - compiles for complex types only, but changes source names for complex by prepending z (e.g. hemv.c becomes zhemv.c) # STRING - compiles only the given type (e.g. DOUBLE) function(GenerateNamedObjects sources_in) if (${ARGC} GREATER 1) set(defines_in ${ARGV1}) endif () if (${ARGC} GREATER 2 AND NOT "${ARGV2}" STREQUAL "") set(name_in ${ARGV2}) # strip off extension for kernel files that pass in the object name. get_filename_component(name_in ${name_in} NAME_WE) endif () if (${ARGC} GREATER 3) set(use_cblas ${ARGV3}) else () set(use_cblas false) endif () if (${ARGC} GREATER 4) set(replace_last_with ${ARGV4}) endif () if (${ARGC} GREATER 5) set(append_with ${ARGV5}) endif () if (${ARGC} GREATER 6) set(no_float_type ${ARGV6}) else () set(no_float_type false) endif () if (no_float_type) set(float_list "DUMMY") # still need to loop once else () set(float_list "${FLOAT_TYPES}") endif () set(real_only false) set(complex_only false) set(mangle_complex_sources false) if (${ARGC} GREATER 7 AND NOT "${ARGV7}" STREQUAL "") if (${ARGV7} EQUAL 1) set(real_only true) elseif (${ARGV7} EQUAL 2) set(complex_only true) elseif (${ARGV7} EQUAL 3) set(mangle_complex_sources true) elseif (${ARGV7} EQUAL 4) set(mangle_complex_sources true) set(complex_only true) elseif (NOT ${ARGV7} EQUAL 0) set(float_list ${ARGV7}) endif () endif () if (complex_only) list(REMOVE_ITEM float_list "SINGLE") list(REMOVE_ITEM float_list "DOUBLE") list(REMOVE_ITEM float_list "BFLOAT16") elseif (real_only) list(REMOVE_ITEM float_list "COMPLEX") list(REMOVE_ITEM float_list "ZCOMPLEX") endif () set(float_char "") set(OBJ_LIST_OUT "") foreach (float_type ${float_list}) foreach (source_file ${sources_in}) if (NOT no_float_type) string(SUBSTRING ${float_type} 0 1 float_char) string(TOLOWER ${float_char} float_char) if (${float_type} STREQUAL "BFLOAT16") set (float_char "sb") endif () endif () if (NOT name_in) get_filename_component(source_name ${source_file} NAME_WE) set(obj_name "${float_char}${source_name}") else () # replace * with float_char if (${name_in} MATCHES "\\*") string(REPLACE "*" ${float_char} obj_name ${name_in}) else () set(obj_name "${float_char}${name_in}") endif () endif () if (replace_last_with) string(REGEX REPLACE ".$" ${replace_last_with} obj_name ${obj_name}) else () set(obj_name "${obj_name}${append_with}") endif () # now add the object and set the defines set(obj_defines ${defines_in}) list(FIND obj_defines "RC" def_idx) if (${def_idx} GREATER -1) # list(REMOVE_AT ${obj_defines} ${def_idx}) list (REMOVE_ITEM obj_defines "RC") list(APPEND obj_defines "RC=RC") endif () list(FIND obj_defines "CR" def_idx) if (${def_idx} GREATER -1) # list(REMOVE_AT ${obj_defines} ${def_idx}) list (REMOVE_ITEM obj_defines "CR") list(APPEND obj_defines "CR=CR") endif () if (use_cblas) set(obj_name "cblas_${obj_name}") list(APPEND obj_defines "CBLAS") elseif (NOT "${obj_name}" MATCHES "${ARCH_SUFFIX}") set(obj_name "${obj_name}${ARCH_SUFFIX}") endif () list(APPEND obj_defines "ASMNAME=${FU}${obj_name};ASMFNAME=${FU}${obj_name}${BU};NAME=${obj_name}${BU};CNAME=${obj_name};CHAR_NAME=\"${obj_name}${BU}\";CHAR_CNAME=\"${obj_name}\"") if (${float_type} STREQUAL "DOUBLE" OR ${float_type} STREQUAL "ZCOMPLEX") list(APPEND obj_defines "DOUBLE") endif () if (${float_type} STREQUAL "BFLOAT16") list(APPEND obj_defines "BFLOAT16") endif () if (${float_type} STREQUAL "COMPLEX" OR ${float_type} STREQUAL "ZCOMPLEX") list(APPEND obj_defines "COMPLEX") if (mangle_complex_sources) # add a z to the filename get_filename_component(source_name ${source_file} NAME) get_filename_component(source_dir ${source_file} DIRECTORY) string(REPLACE ${source_name} "z${source_name}" source_file ${source_file}) endif () endif () if (VERBOSE_GEN) message(STATUS "${obj_name}:${source_file}") message(STATUS "${obj_defines}") endif () # create a copy of the source to avoid duplicate obj filename problem with ar.exe get_filename_component(source_extension ${source_file} EXT) set(new_source_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/${obj_name}${source_extension}") if (IS_ABSOLUTE ${source_file}) set(old_source_file ${source_file}) else () set(old_source_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/${source_file}") endif () string(REPLACE ";" "\n#define " define_source "${obj_defines}") string(REPLACE "=" " " define_source "${define_source}") file(WRITE ${new_source_file}.tmp "#define ${define_source}\n#include \"${old_source_file}\"") configure_file(${new_source_file}.tmp ${new_source_file} COPYONLY) file(REMOVE ${new_source_file}.tmp) list(APPEND SRC_LIST_OUT ${new_source_file}) message (STATUS ${new_source_file}) if (DEFINED HAVE_FMA3) if ( ${new_source_file} MATCHES "(s|d?)rot_k.*c") set_source_files_properties(${new_source_file} PROPERTIES COMPILE_OPTIONS "-mfma") endif () if ( ${new_source_file} MATCHES "dgemv_t_k.*c") set_source_files_properties(${new_source_file} PROPERTIES COMPILE_OPTIONS "-mfma") endif () endif () endforeach () endforeach () list(APPEND OPENBLAS_SRC ${SRC_LIST_OUT}) set(OPENBLAS_SRC ${OPENBLAS_SRC} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () # generates object files for each of the sources for each of the combinations of the preprocessor definitions passed in # @param sources_in the source files to build from # @param defines_in the preprocessor definitions that will be combined to create the object files # @param all_defines_in (optional) preprocessor definitions that will be applied to all objects # @param replace_scheme If 1, replace the "k" in the filename with the define combo letters. E.g. symm_k.c with TRANS and UNIT defined will be symm_TU. # If 0, it will simply append the code, e.g. symm_L.c with TRANS and UNIT will be symm_LTU. # If 2, it will append the code with an underscore, e.g. symm.c with TRANS and UNIT will be symm_TU. # If 3, it will insert the code *around* the last character with an underscore, e.g. symm_L.c with TRANS and UNIT will be symm_TLU (required by BLAS level2 objects). # If 4, it will insert the code before the last underscore. E.g. trtri_U_parallel with TRANS will be trtri_UT_parallel # @param alternate_name replaces the source name as the object name (define codes are still appended) # @param no_float_type turns off the float type define for this build (e.g. SINGLE/DOUBLE/etc) # @param complex_filename_scheme see GenerateNamedObjects function(GenerateCombinationObjects sources_in defines_in absent_codes_in all_defines_in replace_scheme) set(alternate_name_in "") if (${ARGC} GREATER 5) set(alternate_name_in ${ARGV5}) endif () set(no_float_type false) if (${ARGC} GREATER 6) set(no_float_type ${ARGV6}) endif () set(complex_filename_scheme "") if (${ARGC} GREATER 7) set(complex_filename_scheme ${ARGV7}) endif () AllCombinations("${defines_in}" "${absent_codes_in}") set(define_combos ${LIST_OUT}) set(define_codes ${CODES_OUT}) list(LENGTH define_combos num_combos) math(EXPR num_combos "${num_combos} - 1") foreach (c RANGE 0 ${num_combos}) list(GET define_combos ${c} define_combo) list(GET define_codes ${c} define_code) foreach (source_file ${sources_in}) set(alternate_name ${alternate_name_in}) # replace colon separated list with semicolons, this turns it into a CMake list that we can use foreach with string(REPLACE ":" ";" define_combo ${define_combo}) # now add the object and set the defines set(cur_defines ${define_combo}) if ("${cur_defines}" STREQUAL " ") set(cur_defines ${all_defines_in}) else () list(APPEND cur_defines ${all_defines_in}) endif () set(replace_code "") set(append_code "") if (replace_scheme EQUAL 1) set(replace_code ${define_code}) else () if (replace_scheme EQUAL 2) set(append_code "_${define_code}") elseif (replace_scheme EQUAL 3) if ("${alternate_name}" STREQUAL "") string(REGEX MATCH "[a-zA-Z]\\." last_letter ${source_file}) else () string(REGEX MATCH "[a-zA-Z]$" last_letter ${alternate_name}) endif () # first extract the last letter string(SUBSTRING ${last_letter} 0 1 last_letter) # remove period from match # break the code up into the first letter and the remaining (should only be 2 anyway) string(SUBSTRING ${define_code} 0 1 define_code_first) string(SUBSTRING ${define_code} 1 -1 define_code_second) set(replace_code "${define_code_first}${last_letter}${define_code_second}") elseif (replace_scheme EQUAL 4) # insert code before the last underscore and pass that in as the alternate_name if ("${alternate_name}" STREQUAL "") get_filename_component(alternate_name ${source_file} NAME_WE) endif () set(extra_underscore "") # check if filename has two underscores, insert another if not (e.g. getrs_parallel needs to become getrs_U_parallel not getrsU_parallel) string(REGEX MATCH "_[a-zA-Z]+_" underscores ${alternate_name}) string(LENGTH "${underscores}" underscores) if (underscores EQUAL 0) set(extra_underscore "_") endif () string(REGEX REPLACE "(.+)(_[^_]+)$" "\\1${extra_underscore}${define_code}\\2" alternate_name ${alternate_name}) else() set(append_code ${define_code}) # replace_scheme should be 0 endif () endif () GenerateNamedObjects("${source_file}" "${cur_defines}" "${alternate_name}" false "${replace_code}" "${append_code}" "${no_float_type}" "${complex_filename_scheme}") endforeach () endforeach () set(OPENBLAS_SRC ${OPENBLAS_SRC} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction ()