# =========================================================================== # # PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE # National Center for Biotechnology Information # # This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the # terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of # the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and # thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available # to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. # Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction. # # Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy # and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. # Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that # may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. # Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including # warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular # purpose. # # Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material. # # =========================================================================== default: std ifeq (Darwin,$(shell uname -s)) MFLAGS += -mmacosx-version-min=10.10 endif CC = gcc $(MFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) CXX = g++ $(MFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) # ensure definition of paths, namely # NCBI_VDB_LIBDIR and NGS_LIBDIR include $(CURDIR)/Makefile.config #$(warning CPPFLAGS=$(CPPFLAGS)) TARGETS = \ AlignSliceTest \ AlignTest \ DumpReferenceFASTA \ FastqTableDump \ FragTest \ PileupTest \ RefTest \ # This rule triggers detection of the libraries and headers # in addition to building the examples std: $(TARGETS) $(TARGETS): $(NCBI_VDB_LIBDIR)/libncbi-vdb-static.a ncbi-headers $(NGS_LIBDIR)/libngs-c++.a ngs-headers clean: echo $(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) rm -f $(TARGETS) *.o rm -rf *.dSYM .PHONY: default std $(TARGETS) # C++ applications require several static libraries: # 1. libngs-c++.a and libngs-adapt-c++.a which contain the NGS "front-end" interfaces. # 2. an NGS "back-end" engine such as libncbi-ngs-c++.a # which in turn relies upon ncbi-vdb to access the SRA (libncbi-ngs.a, libncbi-vdb-static.a) # TEST_LIBS = \ -L$(NCBI_VDB_LIBDIR) \ -L$(NGS_LIBDIR) \ -lncbi-ngs-c++ \ -lncbi-ngs \ -lncbi-vdb-static \ -lngs-c++ \ -lngs-adapt-c++ \ -lpthread \ -ldl \ -lm \ # AlignSliceTest # slice a ReadCollection and output alignments ALIGNSLICE_TEST_SRC = \ AlignSliceTest.cpp AlignSliceTest: $(ALIGNSLICE_TEST_SRC) $(CXX) -g -o $@ $(ALIGNSLICE_TEST_SRC) $(TEST_LIBS) # AlignTest ################# # access alignments ALIGN_TEST_SRC = \ AlignTest.cpp AlignTest: $(ALIGN_TEST_SRC) $(CXX) -g -o $@ $(ALIGN_TEST_SRC) $(TEST_LIBS) # DumpReferenceFASTA DUMP_SRC = \ DumpReferenceFASTA.cpp DumpReferenceFASTA: $(DUMP_SRC) $(CXX) -g -o $@ $(DUMP_SRC) $(TEST_LIBS) # FastqTableDump # produce fastq-like table FASTQ_TABLE_DUMP_OBJ = \ FastqTableDump.cpp FastqTableDump: $(FASTQ_TABLE_DUMP_OBJ) $(CXX) -g -o $@ $(FASTQ_TABLE_DUMP_OBJ) $(TEST_LIBS) # FragTest # access read fragments FRAG_TEST_SRC = \ FragTest.cpp FragTest: $(FRAG_TEST_SRC) $(CXX) -g -o $@ $(FRAG_TEST_SRC) $(TEST_LIBS) # PileupTest # slice a ReadCollection and produce pileups PILEUP_TEST_OBJ = \ PileupTest.cpp PileupTest: $(PILEUP_TEST_OBJ) $(CXX) -g -o $@ $(PILEUP_TEST_OBJ) $(TEST_LIBS) # RefTest ################### REF_TEST_SRC = \ RefTest.cpp RefTest: $(REF_TEST_SRC) $(CXX) -g -o $@ $(REF_TEST_SRC) $(TEST_LIBS) # =========================================================================== # # installation # install: @ cp *.cpp Makefile Makefile.config $(INST_TARGET) # =========================================================================== # # example runs run_frag: FragTest ./$^ ERR225922 10000 2 $(REDIRECT) run_align: AlignTest ./$^ ERR225922 10000 2 $(REDIRECT) run_dump: DumpReferenceFASTA ./$^ SRR520124 1 $(REDIRECT) run_align_slice: AlignSliceTest ./$^ SRR1121656 1 1 9999 $(REDIRECT) run_pileup: PileupTest ./$^ SRR1121656 1 9999 10003 $(REDIRECT) run_ref: RefTest ./$^ SRR1121656 $(REDIRECT) ALL_TESTS = run_frag run_align run_align_slice run_pileup run_ref run_dump run_all: $(ALL_TESTS) .PHONY: $(ALL_TESTS) # =========================================================================== # # expected results for auto-testing # expected.txt update_expected: rm -f expected.txt export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) ; $(MAKE) run_all REDIRECT=">>expected.txt" run_and_diff: expected.txt @ rm -f actual.txt @ echo http_proxy=$(http_proxy) @ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) ; $(MAKE) run_all REDIRECT=">>actual.txt" @ diff expected.txt actual.txt && rm actual.txt && echo "NGS C++ examples work as expected" .PHONY: update_expected run_and_diff install