ARCH := $(shell getconf LONG_BIT) OS := $(shell cat /etc/issue) ifneq (,$(wildcard /etc/redhat-release)) RHEL_OS := $(shell cat /etc/redhat-release) endif # Gets Driver Branch DRIVER_BRANCH := $(shell nvidia-smi | grep Driver | cut -f 3 -d' ' | cut -f 1 -d '.') # Location of the CUDA Toolkit CUDA_PATH ?= "/usr/local/cuda-8.0" ifeq (${ARCH},$(filter ${ARCH},32 64)) # If correct architecture and libnvidia-ml library is not found # within the environment, build using the stub library ifneq (,$(findstring Ubuntu,$(OS))) DEB := $(shell dpkg -l | grep cuda) ifneq (,$(findstring cuda, $(DEB))) NVML_LIB := /usr/lib/nvidia-$(DRIVER_BRANCH) else NVML_LIB := /lib${ARCH} endif endif ifneq (,$(findstring SUSE,$(OS))) RPM := $(shell rpm -qa cuda*) ifneq (,$(findstring cuda, $(RPM))) NVML_LIB := /usr/lib${ARCH} else NVML_LIB := /lib${ARCH} endif endif ifneq (,$(findstring CentOS,$(RHEL_OS))) RPM := $(shell rpm -qa cuda*) ifneq (,$(findstring cuda, $(RPM))) NVML_LIB := /usr/lib${ARCH}/nvidia else NVML_LIB := /lib${ARCH} endif endif ifneq (,$(findstring Red Hat,$(RHEL_OS))) RPM := $(shell rpm -qa cuda*) ifneq (,$(findstring cuda, $(RPM))) NVML_LIB := /usr/lib${ARCH}/nvidia else NVML_LIB := /lib${ARCH} endif endif ifneq (,$(findstring Fedora,$(RHEL_OS))) RPM := $(shell rpm -qa cuda*) ifneq (,$(findstring cuda, $(RPM))) NVML_LIB := /usr/lib${ARCH}/nvidia else NVML_LIB := /lib${ARCH} endif endif else NVML_LIB := ../../lib${ARCH}/stubs/ $(info "" not found, using stub library.) endif ifneq (${ARCH},$(filter ${ARCH},32 64)) $(error Unknown architecture!) endif NVML_LIB += ../lib/ NVML_LIB_L := $(addprefix -L , $(NVML_LIB)) CFLAGS := -I ../../include -I ../include LDFLAGS := -lnvidia-ml $(NVML_LIB_L) all: example supportedVgpus example: example.o $(CC) $< $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ supportedVgpus: supportedVgpus.o $(CC) $< $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ clean: -@rm -f example.o -@rm -f example -@rm -f supportedVgpus.o -@rm -f supportedVgpus