# libaec-config.cmake # ---------------- # # Finds the AEC library, specify the starting search path in libaec_ROOT. # # Static vs. shared # ----------------- # To make use of the static library instead of the shared one, one needs # to set the variable libaec_USE_STATIC_LIBS to ON before calling find_package. # Example: # set(libaec_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) # find_package(libaec CONFIG) # # This will define the following variables: # # libaec_FOUND - True if the system has the AEC library. # libaec_VERSION - The version of the AEC library which was found. # SZIP_FOUND - True if the system has the SZIP library. # SZIP_VERSION - The version of the SZIP library which was found. # SZIP_LIBRARIES - All the required libraries to make use of SZIP. # # and the following imported targets: # # libaec::aec - The AEC library. # libaec::sz - The SZIP compatible version of the AEC library. find_path(libaec_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES libaec.h DOC "AEC include directory") find_path(SZIP_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES szlib.h DOC "SZIP include directory") if (libaec_USE_STATIC_LIBS) if (MSVC) find_library(libaec_LIBRARY NAMES aec-static.lib DOC "AEC library") find_library(SZIP_LIBRARY NAMES szip-static.lib DOC "SZIP compatible version of the AEC library") else () find_library(libaec_LIBRARY NAMES libaec.a DOC "AEC library") find_library(SZIP_LIBRARY NAMES libsz.a DOC "SZIP compatible version of the AEC library") endif () else () find_library(libaec_LIBRARY NAMES aec DOC "AEC library") find_library(SZIP_LIBRARY NAMES sz szip DOC "SZIP compatible version of the AEC library") endif () # Check version here if (libaec_INCLUDE_DIR AND libaec_LIBRARY) set(libaec_VERSION "1.0.6") set(SZIP_VERSION "2.0.1") endif () include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) set(${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_CONFIG "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}") find_package_handle_standard_args(libaec FOUND_VAR libaec_FOUND REQUIRED_VARS libaec_LIBRARY libaec_INCLUDE_DIR SZIP_LIBRARY SZIP_INCLUDE_DIR VERSION_VAR libaec_VERSION CONFIG_MODE ) if (libaec_FOUND) if (libaec_USE_STATIC_LIBS) add_library(libaec::aec STATIC IMPORTED) else () add_library(libaec::aec SHARED IMPORTED) endif () set_target_properties(libaec::aec PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${libaec_LIBRARY}" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${libaec_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) # SZIP if (libaec_USE_STATIC_LIBS) add_library(libaec::sz STATIC IMPORTED) else () add_library(libaec::sz SHARED IMPORTED) endif () set_target_properties(libaec::sz PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${SZIP_LIBRARY}" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${SZIP_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) # Set SZIP variables. set(SZIP_FOUND TRUE) set(SZIP_LIBRARIES "${SZIP_LIBRARY}") endif () mark_as_advanced( libaec_LIBRARY libaec_INCLUDE_DIR SZIP_LIBRARY SZIP_INCLUDE_DIR )