==> git log -n1 <== commit c6fe189eb443a4c8cc283745fc0328bf819a1fd4 Author: Jason Madden Date: Sat Sep 26 09:25:59 2015 -0500 Fix segmentation faults in test_clear.py. On OS X at least, test_clear.py often, but not always segfaulted. Debugging showed that this was because node_attr and the like were using a handle value that had already been closed. Now, we update these attributes to use the current, correct, handle, after it has been re-opened. ==> git describe --tags --dirty <== pygraphviz-1.3-2-gc6fe189 ==> git status <== # Not currently on any branch. # Untracked files: # (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) # # conda_build.sh # record.txt nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)