#!/home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/xlrd_1610224409810/_h_env_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placeh/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Stephen John Machin, Lingfo Pty Ltd # This script is part of the xlrd package, which is released under a # BSD-style licence. from __future__ import print_function cmd_doc = """ Commands: 2rows Print the contents of first and last row in each sheet 3rows Print the contents of first, second and last row in each sheet bench Same as "show", but doesn't print -- for profiling biff_count[1] Print a count of each type of BIFF record in the file biff_dump[1] Print a dump (char and hex) of the BIFF records in the file fonts hdr + print a dump of all font objects hdr Mini-overview of file (no per-sheet information) hotshot Do a hotshot profile run e.g. ... -f1 hotshot bench bigfile*.xls labels Dump of sheet.col_label_ranges and ...row... for each sheet name_dump Dump of each object in book.name_obj_list names Print brief information for each NAME record ov Overview of file profile Like "hotshot", but uses cProfile show Print the contents of all rows in each sheet version[0] Print versions of xlrd and Python and exit xfc Print "XF counts" and cell-type counts -- see code for details [0] means no file arg [1] means only one file arg i.e. no glob.glob pattern """ options = None if __name__ == "__main__": import xlrd import sys import time import glob import traceback import gc from xlrd.timemachine import xrange, REPR class LogHandler(object): def __init__(self, logfileobj): self.logfileobj = logfileobj self.fileheading = None self.shown = 0 def setfileheading(self, fileheading): self.fileheading = fileheading self.shown = 0 def write(self, text): if self.fileheading and not self.shown: self.logfileobj.write(self.fileheading) self.shown = 1 self.logfileobj.write(text) null_cell = xlrd.empty_cell def show_row(bk, sh, rowx, colrange, printit): if bk.ragged_rows: colrange = range(sh.row_len(rowx)) if not colrange: return if printit: print() if bk.formatting_info: for colx, ty, val, cxfx in get_row_data(bk, sh, rowx, colrange): if printit: print("cell %s%d: type=%d, data: %r, xfx: %s" % (xlrd.colname(colx), rowx+1, ty, val, cxfx)) else: for colx, ty, val, _unused in get_row_data(bk, sh, rowx, colrange): if printit: print("cell %s%d: type=%d, data: %r" % (xlrd.colname(colx), rowx+1, ty, val)) def get_row_data(bk, sh, rowx, colrange): result = [] dmode = bk.datemode ctys = sh.row_types(rowx) cvals = sh.row_values(rowx) for colx in colrange: cty = ctys[colx] cval = cvals[colx] if bk.formatting_info: cxfx = str(sh.cell_xf_index(rowx, colx)) else: cxfx = '' if cty == xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE: try: showval = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(cval, dmode) except xlrd.XLDateError as e: showval = "%s:%s" % (type(e).__name__, e) cty = xlrd.XL_CELL_ERROR elif cty == xlrd.XL_CELL_ERROR: showval = xlrd.error_text_from_code.get(cval, '' % cval) else: showval = cval result.append((colx, cty, showval, cxfx)) return result def bk_header(bk): print() print("BIFF version: %s; datemode: %s" % (xlrd.biff_text_from_num[bk.biff_version], bk.datemode)) print("codepage: %r (encoding: %s); countries: %r" % (bk.codepage, bk.encoding, bk.countries)) print("Last saved by: %r" % bk.user_name) print("Number of data sheets: %d" % bk.nsheets) print("Use mmap: %d; Formatting: %d; On demand: %d" % (bk.use_mmap, bk.formatting_info, bk.on_demand)) print("Ragged rows: %d" % bk.ragged_rows) if bk.formatting_info: print("FORMATs: %d, FONTs: %d, XFs: %d" % (len(bk.format_list), len(bk.font_list), len(bk.xf_list))) if not options.suppress_timing: print("Load time: %.2f seconds (stage 1) %.2f seconds (stage 2)" % (bk.load_time_stage_1, bk.load_time_stage_2)) print() def show_fonts(bk): print("Fonts:") for x in xrange(len(bk.font_list)): font = bk.font_list[x] font.dump(header='== Index %d ==' % x, indent=4) def show_names(bk, dump=0): bk_header(bk) if bk.biff_version < 50: print("Names not extracted in this BIFF version") return nlist = bk.name_obj_list print("Name list: %d entries" % len(nlist)) for nobj in nlist: if dump: nobj.dump(sys.stdout, header="\n=== Dump of name_obj_list[%d] ===" % nobj.name_index) else: print("[%d]\tName:%r macro:%r scope:%d\n\tresult:%r\n" % (nobj.name_index, nobj.name, nobj.macro, nobj.scope, nobj.result)) def print_labels(sh, labs, title): if not labs:return for rlo, rhi, clo, chi in labs: print("%s label range %s:%s contains:" % (title, xlrd.cellname(rlo, clo), xlrd.cellname(rhi-1, chi-1))) for rx in xrange(rlo, rhi): for cx in xrange(clo, chi): print(" %s: %r" % (xlrd.cellname(rx, cx), sh.cell_value(rx, cx))) def show_labels(bk): # bk_header(bk) hdr = 0 for shx in range(bk.nsheets): sh = bk.sheet_by_index(shx) clabs = sh.col_label_ranges rlabs = sh.row_label_ranges if clabs or rlabs: if not hdr: bk_header(bk) hdr = 1 print("sheet %d: name = %r; nrows = %d; ncols = %d" % (shx, sh.name, sh.nrows, sh.ncols)) print_labels(sh, clabs, 'Col') print_labels(sh, rlabs, 'Row') if bk.on_demand: bk.unload_sheet(shx) def show(bk, nshow=65535, printit=1): bk_header(bk) if 0: rclist = xlrd.sheet.rc_stats.items() rclist = sorted(rclist) print("rc stats") for k, v in rclist: print("0x%04x %7d" % (k, v)) if options.onesheet: try: shx = int(options.onesheet) except ValueError: shx = bk.sheet_by_name(options.onesheet).number shxrange = [shx] else: shxrange = range(bk.nsheets) # print("shxrange", list(shxrange)) for shx in shxrange: sh = bk.sheet_by_index(shx) nrows, ncols = sh.nrows, sh.ncols colrange = range(ncols) anshow = min(nshow, nrows) print("sheet %d: name = %s; nrows = %d; ncols = %d" % (shx, REPR(sh.name), sh.nrows, sh.ncols)) if nrows and ncols: # Beat the bounds for rowx in xrange(nrows): nc = sh.row_len(rowx) if nc: sh.row_types(rowx)[nc-1] sh.row_values(rowx)[nc-1] sh.cell(rowx, nc-1) for rowx in xrange(anshow-1): if not printit and rowx % 10000 == 1 and rowx > 1: print("done %d rows" % (rowx-1,)) show_row(bk, sh, rowx, colrange, printit) if anshow and nrows: show_row(bk, sh, nrows-1, colrange, printit) print() if bk.on_demand: bk.unload_sheet(shx) def count_xfs(bk): bk_header(bk) for shx in range(bk.nsheets): sh = bk.sheet_by_index(shx) nrows = sh.nrows print("sheet %d: name = %r; nrows = %d; ncols = %d" % (shx, sh.name, sh.nrows, sh.ncols)) # Access all xfindexes to force gathering stats type_stats = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] for rowx in xrange(nrows): for colx in xrange(sh.row_len(rowx)): xfx = sh.cell_xf_index(rowx, colx) assert xfx >= 0 cty = sh.cell_type(rowx, colx) type_stats[cty] += 1 print("XF stats", sh._xf_index_stats) print("type stats", type_stats) print() if bk.on_demand: bk.unload_sheet(shx) def main(cmd_args): import optparse global options usage = "\n%prog [options] command [input-file-patterns]\n" + cmd_doc oparser = optparse.OptionParser(usage) oparser.add_option( "-l", "--logfilename", default="", help="contains error messages") oparser.add_option( "-v", "--verbosity", type="int", default=0, help="level of information and diagnostics provided") oparser.add_option( "-m", "--mmap", type="int", default=-1, help="1: use mmap; 0: don't use mmap; -1: accept heuristic") oparser.add_option( "-e", "--encoding", default="", help="encoding override") oparser.add_option( "-f", "--formatting", type="int", default=0, help="0 (default): no fmt info\n" "1: fmt info (all cells)\n", ) oparser.add_option( "-g", "--gc", type="int", default=0, help="0: auto gc enabled; 1: auto gc disabled, manual collect after each file; 2: no gc") oparser.add_option( "-s", "--onesheet", default="", help="restrict output to this sheet (name or index)") oparser.add_option( "-u", "--unnumbered", action="store_true", default=0, help="omit line numbers or offsets in biff_dump") oparser.add_option( "-d", "--on-demand", action="store_true", default=0, help="load sheets on demand instead of all at once") oparser.add_option( "-t", "--suppress-timing", action="store_true", default=0, help="don't print timings (diffs are less messy)") oparser.add_option( "-r", "--ragged-rows", action="store_true", default=0, help="open_workbook(..., ragged_rows=True)") options, args = oparser.parse_args(cmd_args) if len(args) == 1 and args[0] in ("version", ): pass elif len(args) < 2: oparser.error("Expected at least 2 args, found %d" % len(args)) cmd = args[0] xlrd_version = getattr(xlrd, "__VERSION__", "unknown; before 0.5") if cmd == 'biff_dump': xlrd.dump(args[1], unnumbered=options.unnumbered) sys.exit(0) if cmd == 'biff_count': xlrd.count_records(args[1]) sys.exit(0) if cmd == 'version': print("xlrd: %s, from %s" % (xlrd_version, xlrd.__file__)) print("Python:", sys.version) sys.exit(0) if options.logfilename: logfile = LogHandler(open(options.logfilename, 'w')) else: logfile = sys.stdout mmap_opt = options.mmap mmap_arg = xlrd.USE_MMAP if mmap_opt in (1, 0): mmap_arg = mmap_opt elif mmap_opt != -1: print('Unexpected value (%r) for mmap option -- assuming default' % mmap_opt) fmt_opt = options.formatting | (cmd in ('xfc', )) gc_mode = options.gc if gc_mode: gc.disable() for pattern in args[1:]: for fname in glob.glob(pattern): print("\n=== File: %s ===" % fname) if logfile != sys.stdout: logfile.setfileheading("\n=== File: %s ===\n" % fname) if gc_mode == 1: n_unreachable = gc.collect() if n_unreachable: print("GC before open:", n_unreachable, "unreachable objects") try: t0 = time.time() bk = xlrd.open_workbook( fname, verbosity=options.verbosity, logfile=logfile, use_mmap=mmap_arg, encoding_override=options.encoding, formatting_info=fmt_opt, on_demand=options.on_demand, ragged_rows=options.ragged_rows, ) t1 = time.time() if not options.suppress_timing: print("Open took %.2f seconds" % (t1-t0,)) except xlrd.XLRDError as e: print("*** Open failed: %s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e)) continue except KeyboardInterrupt: print("*** KeyboardInterrupt ***") traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) sys.exit(1) except BaseException as e: print("*** Open failed: %s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e)) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) continue t0 = time.time() if cmd == 'hdr': bk_header(bk) elif cmd == 'ov': # OverView show(bk, 0) elif cmd == 'show': # all rows show(bk) elif cmd == '2rows': # first row and last row show(bk, 2) elif cmd == '3rows': # first row, 2nd row and last row show(bk, 3) elif cmd == 'bench': show(bk, printit=0) elif cmd == 'fonts': bk_header(bk) show_fonts(bk) elif cmd == 'names': # named reference list show_names(bk) elif cmd == 'name_dump': # named reference list show_names(bk, dump=1) elif cmd == 'labels': show_labels(bk) elif cmd == 'xfc': count_xfs(bk) else: print("*** Unknown command <%s>" % cmd) sys.exit(1) del bk if gc_mode == 1: n_unreachable = gc.collect() if n_unreachable: print("GC post cmd:", fname, "->", n_unreachable, "unreachable objects") if not options.suppress_timing: t1 = time.time() print("\ncommand took %.2f seconds\n" % (t1-t0,)) return None av = sys.argv[1:] if not av: main(av) firstarg = av[0].lower() if firstarg == "hotshot": import hotshot import hotshot.stats av = av[1:] prof_log_name = "XXXX.prof" prof = hotshot.Profile(prof_log_name) # benchtime, result = prof.runcall(main, *av) result = prof.runcall(main, *(av, )) print("result", repr(result)) prof.close() stats = hotshot.stats.load(prof_log_name) stats.strip_dirs() stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls') stats.print_stats(20) elif firstarg == "profile": import cProfile av = av[1:] cProfile.run('main(av)', 'YYYY.prof') import pstats p = pstats.Stats('YYYY.prof') p.strip_dirs().sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(30) else: main(av)