import numpy as np import pandas as pd import bottleneck import warnings import gc from .utils import * def MetaNeighborUS(adata, study_col, ct_col, var_genes="highly_variable", symmetric_output=True, node_degree_normalization=True, fast_version=False, one_vs_best=False, trained_model=None, save_uns=True, compute_p=False, mn_key="MetaNeighborUS"): """Runs Unsupervised version of MetaNeighbor When it is difficult to know how cell type labels compare across datasets this function helps users to make an educated guess about the overlaps without requiring in-depth knowledge of marker genes. The output is a cell type-by-cell type mean AUROC matrix, which is built by treating each pair of cell types as testing and training data for MetaNeighbor, then taking the average AUROC for each pair (NB scores will not be identical because each test cell type is scored out of its own dataset, and the differential heterogeneity of datasets will influence scores). If symmetric_output is set to FALSE, the training cell types are displayed as columns and the test cell types are displayed as rows. If trained_model was provided, the output will be a cell type-by-cell type AUROC matrix with training cell types as columns and test cell types as rows (no swapping of test and train, no averaging). Arguments: adata {AnnData} -- AnnData object containing all the single cell experiements concatenated together study_col {str} -- String referencing column in andata.obs that identifies study label for datasets ct_col {str} -- String referencing column in andata.obs that identifies cellt type labels Keyword Arguments: var_genes {str or vector} -- String for boolean column in adata.var that indicates highly variable genes or vector of highly variable genes (default: {'highly_variable'}) symmetric_output {bool} -- Boolean indicating whether make square matrix output symmetric (default: {True}) node_degree_normalization {bool} -- Boolean indicating whether to normalize votes by node degree (default: {True}) fast_version {bool} -- boolean indicating whether to run fast approximate version (default: {False}) one_vs_best {bool} -- boolean indicating whether to compute AUROCs as one vs best instead of one vs all (must also have fast_version = True or use pretrained model) (default: {False}) trained_model {pd.DataFrame} -- A dataframe containing a trained model from pymn.trainModel or from the R vesion of MetaNeighbor::trainModel (default: {None}) save_uns {bool} -- Boolean indicating whether to save in adata.uns[mn_key], when False returns cell type x cell type AUROCs dataframe (default: {True}) mn_key {str} -- Key for saving in adata.uns[mn_key] (default: {'MetaNeighborUS'}) """ assert study_col in adata.obs_keys(), "Study Col not in adata" assert ct_col in adata.obs_keys(), "Cluster Col not in adata" if trained_model is not None: var_genes = adata.var_names[np.in1d(adata.var_names, trained_model.index)] trained_model = pd.concat([ pd.DataFrame(trained_model.iloc[0]).T, trained_model.loc[var_genes] ]) elif type(var_genes) is str: assert ( var_genes in adata.var_keys() ), f"If passing a string ({var_genes}) for var names, it must be in adata.var_keys()" var_genes = adata.var_names[adata.var[var_genes]] else: var_genes = adata.var_names[np.in1d(adata.var_names, var_genes)] assert var_genes.shape[0] > 2, "Must have at least 2 genes" if var_genes.shape[0] < 5: warnings.warn("You should have at least 5 Variable Genes", category=UserWarning) if one_vs_best: assert (fast_version or trained_model is not None ), "If you want to run in one_vs_best mode you must also \ run in fast version mode or use a pretrained model" if trained_model is None: assert (np.unique(adata.obs[study_col].values).shape[0] > 1), "Need more than 1 study" if fast_version: # Fast verion doesn't work with Categorical datatype assert ( adata.obs[study_col] != "category" ), "Study Col is a category type, cast to either string or int" assert ( adata.obs[ct_col] != "category" ), "Cell Type Col is a category type, cast to either string or int" cell_nv = metaNeighborUS_fast(adata[:, var_genes].X, adata.obs[study_col], adata.obs[ct_col], node_degree_normalization, one_vs_best, compute_p) else: cell_nv = metaNeighborUS_default(adata[:, var_genes], study_col, ct_col, node_degree_normalization, compute_p) else: cell_nv = MetaNeighborUS_from_trained(trained_model, adata[:, var_genes].X, adata.obs[study_col].values, adata.obs[ct_col].values, node_degree_normalization, one_vs_best, compute_p) if compute_p: cell_p = cell_nv[1] cell_nv = cell_nv[0] cell_p = cell_p.astype(float) cell_nv = cell_nv.astype(float) if symmetric_output and not one_vs_best: cell_nv = (cell_nv + cell_nv.T) / 2 if save_uns: if one_vs_best: adata.uns[f"{mn_key}_1v1"] = cell_nv else: adata.uns[mn_key] = cell_nv adata.uns[f"{mn_key}_params"] = { "fast": fast_version, "node_degree_normalization": node_degree_normalization, "study_col": study_col, "ct_col": ct_col, "one_vs_best": one_vs_best, "symmetric_output": symmetric_output, } if compute_p: adata.uns[f'{mn_key}_pval'] = cell_p else: return cell_nv def metaNeighborUS_default(adata, study_col, ct_col, node_degree_normalization, compute_p): """Runs MetaNeighbor using Default Method Arguments: adata {AnnData} -- AnnData object containing all the single cell experiements concatenated together study_col {str} -- String referencing column in andata.obs that identifies study label for datasets ct_col {str} -- String referencing column in andata.obs that identifies cellt type labels node_degree_normalization {bool} -- Boolean indicating whether to normalize votes by node degree Returns: pd.DataFrame -- ROCs for cell type x cell type labels """ pheno, cell_labels, study_ct_uniq = create_cell_labels( adata, study_col, ct_col) rank_data = create_nw_spearman(adata.X.T) sum_in = rank_data @ cell_labels.values if node_degree_normalization: sum_all = np.sum(rank_data, axis=0) sum_in /= sum_all[:, None] cell_nv = compute_aurocs_default(sum_in, study_ct_uniq, pheno, study_col, ct_col, compute_p) return cell_nv def compute_aurocs_default(sum_in, study_ct_uniq, pheno, study_col, ct_col, compute_p): """Helper function to compute AUROCs from votes matrix of cells Arguments: sum_in {np.ndarray} -- votes matrix, cells x cell types votes study_ct_uniq {vector} -- vector of study_id|cell_type labels pheno {pd.DataFrame} -- dataframe wtih study_ct, study_id and ct_col for all cells study_col {str} -- String name of study_col in pheno ct_col {str} -- Stirng name of cell type col in pheno Returns: pd.DataFrame -- ROCs for cell type x cell type labels """ cell_nv = pd.DataFrame(index=study_ct_uniq) if compute_p: cell_p = pd.DataFrame(index=study_ct_uniq) for ct in study_ct_uniq: predicts_tmp = sum_in.copy() study, cellT = (pheno[pheno.study_ct == ct].drop_duplicates()[[ study_col, ct_col ]].values[0]) # Don't want to split string in case of charcter issues slicer = pheno[study_col] == study pheno2 = pheno[slicer] predicts_tmp = predicts_tmp[slicer] predicts_tmp = bottleneck.nanrankdata(predicts_tmp, axis=0) filter_mat = np.zeros_like(predicts_tmp) filter_mat[pheno2.study_ct == ct] = 1 predicts_tmp[filter_mat == 0] = 0 n_p = bottleneck.nansum(filter_mat, axis=0) nn = filter_mat.shape[0] - n_p p = bottleneck.nansum(predicts_tmp, axis=0) roc = (p / n_p - (n_p + 1) / 2) / nn cell_nv[ct] = roc if compute_p: U = roc * n_p * nn Z = (np.abs(U - (n_p * nn / 2))) / np.sqrt(n_p * nn * (n_p + nn + 1) / 12) P = stats.norm.sf(Z) cell_p[ct] = P del predicts_tmp, filter_mat gc.collect() if compute_p: return cell_nv, cell_p return cell_nv def metaNeighborUS_fast(X, S, C, node_degree_normalization, one_vs_best, compute_p): """Fast MetaNeighbor Approximation Helper function The fast version is vectorized according to the following equations (Note that the point of these equations is to *never* compute the cell-cell network by reordering the matrix operations): - INPUTS: + Q = test (Query) data (genes x cells) + R = train (Ref) data (genes x cells) + L = binary encoding of training cell types (Labels) (cells x cell types) + S = binary encoding of train Studies (cells x studies) - NOTATIONS: + X* = normalize_cols(X) ~ scale(colRanks(X)) denotes normalized data (Spearman correlation becomes a simple dot product on normalized data) + N = Spearman(Q,R) = t(Q*).R* is the cell-cell similarity network + CL = R*.L are the cell type centroids (in the normalized space) + CS = R*.S are the study centroids (in the normalized space) + 1.L = colSums(L) = number of cells per (train) cell type + 1.S = colSums(S) = number of cells per (train) study - WITHOUT node degree normalization + Votes = N.L = t(Q*).R*.L = t(Q*).CL - WITH node degree normalization + Network becomes N+1 to avoid negative values + Votes = (N+1).L = N.L + 1.L = t(Q*).CL + 1.L + Node degree = (N+1).S = t(Q*).CS + 1.S + Note: Node degree is computed independently for each train study. Arguments: X {array} -- cells x variableGenes matrix (dense or sparse) S {vector} -- vector of study_id labels C {vector} -- vector of cell type labels node_degree_normalization {bool} -- Boolean indicating whether to normalize votes by node degree one_vs_best {bool} -- Boolean indicating whether to compute one vs best if True, one vs all if False Returns: pd.DataFrame -- ROCs for cell type x cell type labels """ # Makes it genes X cells X_norm = np.asfortranarray(normalize_cells(X).T) # Remove cells that have no variance filter_cells = np.any(np.isnan(X_norm), axis=0) X_norm = X_norm[:, ~filter_cells] S = S[~filter_cells] C = C[~filter_cells] S_order = np.unique(S.values) C_order = np.unique(C.values) labels = join_labels(S.values, C.values) labels_matrix = design_matrix(labels) cluster_centroids = X_norm @ labels_matrix.values cluster_centroids = pd.DataFrame(cluster_centroids, columns=labels_matrix.columns) labels_order = labels_matrix.columns n_cells_per_cluster = np.sum(labels_matrix.values, axis=0) LSC = pd.DataFrame({"study": S.values, "cluster": C.values}, index=labels) result = predict_and_score(X_norm, LSC, cluster_centroids, n_cells_per_cluster, labels_order, node_degree_normalization, one_vs_best, compute_p) if compute_p: aurocs = result[0] aurocs = aurocs[aurocs.index] p_vals = result[1] p_vals = p_vals[p_vals.index] return aurocs, p_vals result = result[result.index] return result def predict_and_score(X_test, LSC, cluster_centroids, n_cells_per_cluster, labels_order, node_degree_normalization, one_vs_best, compute_p, pretrained=False): """[summary] [description] Arguments: X_test {np.ndarray} -- Normalized gene x cell expression LSC {pd.DataFrame} -- Dataframe with columns of study_col and ct_col and study_col|ct_col as index cluster_centroids {pd.DataFrame} -- Dataframe with genes x cell type centroids n_cells_per_cluster {vector} -- Vector in same order as cluster_centroids columns for number of cells per cluster labels_order {vector} -- Vector order for study_col|ct_col labels node_degree_normalization {bool} -- Boolean indicating whether to normalize votes by node degree one_vs_best {bool} -- Boolean indicating whether to compute one vs best if True, one vs all if False Keyword Arguments: pretrained {bool} -- Whether or not it is passing a pretrained model or not (default: {False}) Returns: pd.DataFrame -- ROCs for cell type x cell type labels """ if node_degree_normalization: if pretrained: get_study_id = np.vectorize(lambda x: x.split("|")[0]) centroid_study_label = get_study_id( cluster_centroids.columns.values) else: centroid_study_label = (LSC.drop_duplicates().loc[labels_order, "study"].values) study_matrix = design_matrix(centroid_study_label) train_study_id = study_matrix.columns study_centroids = cluster_centroids.values @ study_matrix.values n_cells_per_study = n_cells_per_cluster @ study_matrix.values result = [] if compute_p: result_p = [] S = LSC["study"].values for test_study in np.unique(S): is_test = S == test_study X_dataset = X_test[:, is_test] votes_idx = LSC.index[is_test] votes_cols = labels_order votes = np.asfortranarray(X_dataset.T @ cluster_centroids.values) if node_degree_normalization: votes += n_cells_per_cluster node_degree = np.asfortranarray(X_dataset.T @ study_centroids) node_degree += n_cells_per_study for train_study in np.unique(train_study_id): is_train = centroid_study_label == train_study norm = node_degree[:, train_study_id == train_study] votes[:, is_train] = votes[:, is_train] / norm votes = pd.DataFrame(votes, index=votes_idx, columns=votes_cols) aurocs = compute_aurocs(votes, positives=design_matrix(votes.index), compute_p=compute_p) if compute_p: result_p.append(aurocs[1]) aurocs = aurocs[0] if one_vs_best: aurocs = compute_1v1_aurocs(votes, aurocs) result.append(aurocs) if compute_p: return pd.concat(result), pd.concat(result_p) return pd.concat(result) def MetaNeighborUS_from_trained(trained_model, test_data, study_col, ct_col, node_degree_normalization, one_vs_best, compute_p): """MetaNeighbor from Pretrained model Runs MetaNeighbor using a pretrained model in the fast approximate version Arguments: trained_model {pd.DataFrame} -- Genes x Cell Type dataframe of model, with first row being number of cells per cell type in the model test_data {array} -- Genes x Cells expression data study_col {vector} -- vector of study_id labels ct_col {vector} -- vector of cell type labels node_degree_normalization {bool} -- Boolean indicating whether to normalize votes by node degree one_vs_best {bool} -- Boolean indicating whether to compute one vs best if True, one vs all if False Returns: pd.DataFrame -- ROCs for cell type x cell type labels """ dat = normalize_cells(test_data).T is_na = np.any(np.isnan(dat), axis=0) dat = dat[:, ~is_na] cluster_centroids = trained_model.iloc[1:] n_cells_per_cluster = trained_model.iloc[0].values study_col = study_col[~is_na] ct_col = ct_col[~is_na] labels = join_labels(study_col, ct_col, replace_bar=True) LSC = pd.DataFrame({"study": study_col, "cluster": ct_col}, index=labels) result = predict_and_score( dat, LSC, cluster_centroids, n_cells_per_cluster, cluster_centroids.columns, node_degree_normalization, one_vs_best, compute_p, pretrained=True, ) return result