import numpy as np from scipy.cluster import hierarchy from scipy.spatial import distance from scipy import stats import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerBase from anndata import AnnData from upsetplot import plot as UpSet import networkx as nx import scanpy as sc from .utils import * import warnings def compute_nw_linkage(nw, method="average", make_sym=True, **kwargs): """Compute the Network Linkage for a similarity matrix Converts a similarity matrix to a distance matrix and computes linkage Arguments: nw {pd.DataFrame} -- DataFrame containing the similarity matrix **kwargs {[type]} -- Passed to scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage Keyword Arguments: method {str} -- linkage method for clustering (default: {'average'}) make_sym {bool} -- [description] (default: {True}) Returns: np.ndarray -- Linkage matrix """ if make_sym: nw2 = (nw + nw.T) / 2 nw2.fillna(0, inplace=True) else: nw2 = nw return hierarchy.linkage((1 - nw2.values)[np.triu_indices(nw2.shape[0], 1)], method=method, **kwargs) def plotMetaNeighborUS( data, threshold=None, mn_key="MetaNeighborUS", show=True, figsize=(6, 6), fontsize=6, **kwargs, ): """Plot results from MetaNeighborUS function Plots a clustered heatmap of the AUROCs from MetaNeighborUS Arguments: data {AnnData} -- AnnData object containing scRNAseq data and MetaNeighborUS results **kwargs {[type]} -- Passed to sns.clustermap Keyword Arguments: threshold {None or float} -- If None, plot continuous values, if float between 0 and 1 will threshold data and plot binary results (default: {None}) mn_key {str} -- Location of MetaNeighborUS or MetaNeighborUS_1vBest results for plotting (default: {'MetaNeighborUS'}) show {bool} -- Flag for indicating whether to show results or return ClusterGrid object (default: {True}) figsize {tuple} -- Parameters for controlling figure size in inches (default: {(6, 6): (float, float)}) fontsize {[type]} -- Parameters for controlling fontsize for x and y labels (default: {6 (float)}) """ if type(data) is AnnData: assert ( mn_key in data.uns_keys() ), "Must Run MetaNeighbor before plotting or pass results dataframe for data" df = data.uns[mn_key] else: df = data l = compute_nw_linkage(df) if threshold is not None: cm = sns.clustermap( df >= threshold, row_linkage=l, col_linkage=l, figsize=figsize, square=True, **kwargs, ) else: cm = sns.clustermap(df, row_linkage=l, col_linkage=l, figsize=figsize, square=True, **kwargs) cm.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels(cm.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=fontsize) cm.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels(cm.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=fontsize) if show: else: return cm def order_rows_according_to_cols(M, alpha=1.0): """Helper function for clustering rows Cluster rows to make high values along the diagonal Arguments: M {pd.DataFrame} -- Dataframe with columns order how they will be plotted Keyword Arguments: alpha {number} -- Power to raise dataframe to, higher gives more weight to extreme values (default: {1}) Returns: np.ndarray -- 1-D array with order for rows """ M2 = M.values**alpha row_score = np.nansum(M2.T * np.arange(M2.shape[1])[:, None], axis=0) / np.nansum(M2, axis=1) return M.index[np.argsort(row_score)] def plotMetaNeighborUS_pretrained(data, threshold=None, mn_key="MetaNeighborUS", show=True, figsize=(6, 6), fontsize=6, alpha_row=10, alpha_col=1, **kwargs): """[summary] Plots rectangular AUROC heatmap, clustering train cell types (columns) by similarity, and ordering test cell types (rows) according to similarity to train cell types.. Arguments: data {AnnData} -- AnnData object containing scRNAseq data and MetaNeighborUS results or pd.DataFrame containing results **kwargs {[type]} -- Passed to sns.clustermap Keyword Arguments: threshold {None or float} -- If None, plot continuous values, if float between 0 and 1 will threshold data and plot binary results (default: {None}) mn_key {str} -- Location of MetaNeighborUS or MetaNeighborUS_1vBest results for plotting (default: {'MetaNeighborUS'}) show {bool} -- Flag for indicating whether to show results or return ClusterGrid object (default: {True}) figsize {tuple} -- Parameters for controlling figure size in inches (default: {(6, 6): (float, float)}) fontsize {[type]} -- Parameters for controlling fontsize for x and y labels (default: {6 (float)}) alpha_row {number} -- Parameter controling row ordering: a higher value of alpha_row gives more weight to extreme AUROC values (close to 1) (default: {10}) alpha_col {number} -- Parameter controling col ordering: a higher value of alpha_col gives more weight to extreme AUROC values (close to 1). (default: {1}) """ if type(data) is AnnData: assert ( mn_key in data.uns_keys() ), "Must Run MetaNeighbor before plotting or pass results dataframe for data" df = data.uns[mn_key].copy() else: df = data.copy() col_l = hierarchy.linkage(df.fillna(0).values.T**alpha_col, method="average") row_order = order_rows_according_to_cols( df.fillna(0).iloc[:, hierarchy.leaves_list(col_l)], alpha=alpha_row) df = df.loc[row_order] if threshold is None: cm = sns.clustermap( df, col_linkage=col_l, row_cluster=False, square=True, figsize=figsize, **kwargs, ) else: sns.clustermap( df >= threshold, col_linkage=col_l, row_cluster=False, square=True, figsize=figsize, **kwargs, ) cm.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels(cm.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=fontsize) cm.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels(cm.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=fontsize) if show: else: return cm def plotMetaNeighbor( data, mn_key="MetaNeighbor", ct_col=None, show=True, color=None, palette="Set2", xtick_rotation=45, ): """Plot MetaNeighbor results in violin plots Showing how replicability of cell tpye depends on the gene sets Arguments: data {AnnData} -- AnnData object containing scRNAseq data and MetaNeighbor results or dataframe containing the results Keyword Arguments: mn_key {str} -- Location of MetaNeighbor results for plotting (default: {'MetaNeighbor'}) ct_col {[type]} -- If None, inferrefed from adata.uns[f'{mn_key}_params']['ct_col'] else passed as vector (default: {None}) show {bool} -- Flag for showing plot or return ax (default: {True}) color {[type]} -- If "Cell Type" then colors each violin plot by a color from either an estabilished colormap stored in adata.uns[f'{ct_col}_colors_dict'] or created using the palette (default: {None}) palette {str} -- Name of palette for crateing a colormap for cell types(default: {'Set2'}) xtick_rotation {number} -- Angle of rotation for x-axis lables (0-360) (default: {45}) ##TODO: Add param to pass HVG scores to plot as red point in each cell type """ if type(data) is AnnData: assert ( mn_key in data.uns_keys() ), "Must Run MetaNeighbor before plotting or pass results dataframe for data" df = data.uns[mn_key] ct_col = data.uns[f"{mn_key}_params"]["ct_col"] else: df = data = "Cell Type" df = pd.melt(df.reset_index(), id_vars="Cell Type", value_name="AUROC") fig, ax = plt.subplots() if color == "Cell Type" and AnnData: if f"{ct_col}_colors_dict" not in data.uns_keys(): cell_types = np.unique(data.obs[ct_col]) pal = sns.color_palette(palette, cell_types.shape[0]) color_pal = pd.Series(pal, index=cell_types) data.uns[f"{ct_col}_colors_dict"] = color_pal color = color_pal hue = "Cell Type" else: color_pal = data.uns[f"{ct_col}_colors_dict"] color = color_pal hue = "Cell Type" else: color = ".7" hue = None color_pal = None sns.violinplot( data=df, x="Cell Type", y="AUROC", ax=ax, inner="quartile", color=color, palette=color_pal, ) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), ha="right", rotation=xtick_rotation) sns.despine() if show: else: return ax def plotUpset(adata, study_col=None, ct_col=None, mn_key="MetaNeighborUS", metaclusters="MetaNeighborUS_1v1_metaclusters", outlier_label="outliers", show=True): """Plot UpSet plot for intersections between datasets and metaclusters Shows how replicability depends on hte input dataset Arguments: adata {AnnData} -- AnnData object containing the output of MetaNeighborUS 1vBest, and extractMetaClusters Keyword Arguments: study_col {[type]} -- If None, inferrefed from adata.uns[f'{mn_key}_params']['study_col'] else passed as vector (default: {None}) ct_col {[type]} -- If None, inferrefed from adata.uns[f'{mn_key}_params']['ct_col'] else passed as vector (default: {None}) mn_key {str} -- Location of MetaNeighborUS results (default: {'MetaNeighborUS'}) metaclusters {str} -- Location of extractMetaClusters results (default: {'MetaNeighborUS_1v1_metaclusters'}) outlier_label {str} -- Name of outlier_label in metaclusters (extractMetaClusters results) (default: {'outliers'}) show {bool} -- Flag for showing plot or return UpSet object (default: {True}) """ if study_col is None: study_col = adata.uns[f"{mn_key}_params"]["study_col"] else: assert study_col in adata.obs_keys(), "Study Col not in adata" if ct_col is None: ct_col = adata.uns[f"{mn_key}_params"]["ct_col"] else: assert ct_col in adata.obs_keys(), "Cluster Col not in adata" if type(metaclusters) is str: assert (metaclusters in adata.uns_keys() ), "Run extractMetaClusters or pass Metacluster Series" metaclusters = adata.uns[metaclusters] pheno, _, _ = create_cell_labels(adata, study_col, ct_col) pheno = pheno.drop_duplicates().set_index("study_ct") get_studies = lambda x: pheno.loc[x, study_col].values.tolist() studies = [get_studies(x) for x in metaclusters.values] membership = dict(zip(metaclusters.index, studies)) df = pd.DataFrame( [{name: True for name in names} for names in membership.values()], index=membership.keys(), ) df = df.fillna(False) df = df[df.index != outlier_label] df = df.groupby(df.columns.tolist(), as_index=False).size() if type( df ) is not pd.Series: #For pandas versions <1.0.0 size returns the correct series cols = df.columns[:-1].copy() for col in cols: df.set_index(df[col], append=True, inplace=True) df.index = df.index.droplevel(0) df = df["size"] us = UpSet(df, sort_by="cardinality") if show: else: return us def makeClusterGraph( adata, best_hits="MetaNeighborUS_1v1", low_threshold=0, high_threshold=1, save_graph="MetaNeighborUS_metacluster_graph", ): """Make a grpah of the clusters based on similarity Converts AUROC matrix into a graph This representation is a useful alternative for heatmaps for large datasets and sparse AUROC matrices (MetaNeighborUS with one_vs_best = TRUE) Arguments: adata {AnnData} -- AnnData object containing MetaNeighborUS output Keyword Arguments: best_hits {str} -- [description] (default: {'MetaNeighborUS_1v1'}) low_threshold {number} -- AUROC threshold min for including as an edge (default: {0}) high_threshold {number} -- AUROC threshold max for including as an edge (default: {1}) save_graph {str} -- IF string save string in adata.uns[save_graph], if False return nx.Graph (default: {'MetaNeighborUS_metacluster_graph'}) """ if type(best_hits) is str: assert (best_hits in adata.uns_keys() ), "Run MetaNeighorUS in 1v1 mode to compute Best Hits" best_hits = adata.uns[best_hits] filtered_hits = best_hits.copy() filtered_hits.fillna(0, inplace=True) filtered_hits.values[(best_hits.values > high_threshold) | (best_hits.values < low_threshold)] = 0 np.fill_diagonal(filtered_hits.values, 0) G = nx.from_pandas_adjacency(filtered_hits.T, nx.DiGraph) if bool(save_graph): adata.uns[save_graph] = G else: return G def extendClusterSet(coi, adata=None, G="MetaNeighborUS_metacluster_graph", max_neighbor_distance=2): """Extend cluster set to nearest neighbor on cluster graph Note that the graph is directed, i.e. the neighbors are retrieved by following the arrows that start from the initial clusters Arguments: coi: {str or List[str]} -- Name of cluster or list of names of clusters to start search from Keyword Arguments: adata {AnnData} -- AnnData object containing nx.DiGraph to search from (default: {None}) G {str or nx.DiGraph} -- Name of key in adata.uns to find graph or nx.DiGraph object (default: {'MetaNeighborUS_metacluster_graph') max_neighbor_distance {number} -- Path length from original coi(s) to search (default: {2}) Returns: List : List of clusters in teh subgraph within a distance of max_neighbor_distance from the coi(s) """ if type(G) is str: assert adata is not None, "Must pass AnnData object if not passing Graph" G = adata.uns[G] if isinstance(coi, str): result = set([coi]) else: result = set(coi) for _ in range(2): to_add = [] for v in result: to_add.extend(G.neighbors(v)) result.update(set(to_add)) return list(result) def plotClusterGraph( adata, G="MetaNeighborUS_metacluster_graph", best_hits="MetaNeighborUS_1v1", mn_key="MetaNeighborUS", node_list=None, study_col=None, ct_col=None, node_scale=1, figsize=(6, 6), font_size=10, legend_loc="best", show=True, ): """Plot cluster graph generated with makeClusterGraph. In this visualization, edges are colored in black when AUROC > 0.5 and orange when AUROC < 0.5, edge width scales linearly with AUROC. Edges are oriented from training cluster towards test cluster. A black bidirectional edge indicates that two clusters are reciprocal top matches. Node radius reflects cluster size (small: up to 10 cells, medium: up to 100 cells, large: all other clusters). Arguments: adata {AnnData} -- AnnData object containing data and metadata Keyword Arguments: G {str or nx.DiGraph} -- Key in adata.uns for Graph or nx.DiGraph to plot (default: {'MetaNeighborUS_metacluster_graph'}) best_hits {str or pd.DataFrame} -- Key in adata.uns From MetaNeighborUS 1vBest results or pd.DataFrame resutls (default: {'MetaNeighborUS_1v1'}) mn_key {str} -- Key in adata.uns for MetaNeighborUS results (for getting params) (default: {'MetaNeighborUS'}) node_list {List[str]} -- List of node to subset graph to if not plotting all clusters (default: {None}) study_col {vector} -- If none, inferrefed from adata.uns[f'{mn_key}_params']['study_col'], else vector of study ids (default: {None}) ct_col {vector} -- If none, inferrefed from adata.uns[f'{mn_key}_params']['ct_col'], else vector of cell type labels (default: {None}) node_scale {number} -- Factor to scale node size up or down by (must be >0) (default: {1}) figsize {tuple} -- Tuple to change figure size (default: {(6, 6): (float, float)}) font_size {number} -- Font size for node labels (default: {10}) legend_loc {str} -- Legend location either tuple or string based on matplotlib location names (default: {'best'}) show {bool} -- If True shows plot, else returns ax (default: {True}) """ if type(G) is str: assert G in adata.uns_keys(), "Run Make Cluster Graph or Pass Graph" G = adata.uns[G] if type(best_hits) is str: assert ( best_hits in adata.uns_keys() ), "Run MetaNeighborUS in fast 1v1 mode to create best_hits or pass it" best_hits = adata.uns[best_hits] if study_col is None: study_col = adata.uns[f"{mn_key}_params"]["study_col"] ct_col = adata.uns[f"{mn_key}_params"]["ct_col"] if node_list is not None: G = G.subgraph(node_list) # Compute Edge Color r, c = list(zip(*list(G.edges()))) es = best_hits.lookup(c, r) es[np.isnan(es)] = 0 ec = pd.cut(es, [0, 0.5, 1], labels=["orange", "black"]) pheno, _, _ = create_cell_labels(adata, study_col, ct_col) pheno.set_index("study_ct", inplace=True) pheno2 = pheno.drop_duplicates() ct_labels = dict(zip(list(G.nodes()), pheno2.loc[list(G.nodes()), ct_col])) study_labels = pheno2.loc[list(G.nodes()), study_col].values node_sizes = (pd.cut( pheno.reset_index()["study_ct"].value_counts(), [0, 10, 100, np.inf], labels=[150, 300, 450], )[list(G.nodes())].astype(int).values * node_scale) if f"{study_col}_colors_dict" not in adata.uns_keys(): studies = np.unique(adata.obs[study_col]) pal = sns.color_palette("Set2", studies.shape[0]) color_pal = pd.Series(pal, index=studies) adata.uns[f"{study_col}_colors_dict"] = color_pal else: color_pal = adata.uns[f"{study_col}_colors_dict"] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) try: pos = nx.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout( G, prog="neato", args=f"-Goverlap=true -size={figsize[0]},{figsize[0]}") except: warnings.warn("pygraphviz is not installed, defaulting to networkx spring layout, for better layout install pygraphviz") pos = nx.spring_layout(G) nx.draw_networkx_nodes( G, pos=pos, ax=ax, node_color=color_pal[study_labels].values, node_size=node_sizes, ) nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos=pos, ax=ax, edge_color=ec) nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos=pos, labels=ct_labels, font_size=font_size) ax.axis("off") # Prepare legend class MarkerHandler(HandlerBase): def create_artists(self, legend, tup, xdescent, ydescent, width, height, fontsize, trans): return [ plt.Line2D( [width / 2], [height / 2.0], ls="", marker=tup[1], color=tup[0], transform=trans, ) ] ax.legend( list(zip(color_pal.values, ["o"] * color_pal.shape[0])), color_pal.index, handler_map={tuple: MarkerHandler()}, frameon=False, loc=legend_loc, ) if show: plt.tight_layout() else: return ax def plotDotPlot(adata, gene_set, normalize_library_size=True, mn_key="MetaNeighbor", study_col=None, ct_col=None, alpha_row=10, average_expressing_only=True, figsize=(10, 6), fontsize=10, show=True): """Plot dot plot showing expression of a gene set across cell types. The size of each dot reflects the number of cell that express a gene, the color reflects the average expression. Expression of genes is first average and scaled in each dataset independently. The final value is obtained by averaging across datasets. Arguments: adata {AnnData} -- AnnData object containing expression and metadata gene_set {pd.Series} -- Boolean pd.Series with genes as index and Genes that are in the geneset as True Keyword Arguments: normalize_library_size {bool} -- Wheter to normalize cells by library size (default: {True}) mn_key {str} -- Locatoin of MetaNeighborUS results to get params data (default: {'MetaNeighbor'}) study_col {vector} -- If none, inferrefed from adata.uns[f'{mn_key}_params']['study_col'], else vector of study ids (default: {None}) ct_col {vector} -- If none, inferrefed from adata.uns[f'{mn_key}_params']['ct_col'], else vector of cell type labels (default: {None}) alpha_row {number} -- Parameter controling row ordering: a higher value of alpha_row gives more weight to extreme AUROC values (close to 1) (default: {10}) average_expressing_only {bool} -- Whether average expression should be computed based only on expressing cells (Seurat default) or taking into account zeros (default: {True}) figsize {tuple} -- Tuple that sets figure size in inches (default: {(10,6)}) fontsize {number} -- Fontsize of gene names in y axis ticks (default: {10}) show {bool} -- If True shows plot, else returns ax (default: {True}) """ if study_col is None: study_col = adata.uns[f"{mn_key}_params"]["study_col"] else: assert study_col in adata.obs_keys(), "Must pass study col in obs keys" if ct_col is None: ct_col = adata.uns[f"{mn_key}_params"]["ct_col"] else: assert ct_col in adata.obs_keys(), "Must pass ct col in obs keys" gs = gene_set.index[gene_set.astype(bool)] gs = np.intersect1d(gs, adata.var_names) if normalize_library_size: expr = adata[:, gs].to_df().T expr /= np.ravel(adata.X.sum(axis=1)) * 1e6 else: expr = adata[:, gs].to_df().T label_matrix = design_matrix( join_labels(adata.obs[study_col].values, adata.obs[ct_col].values)) label_matrix /= label_matrix.sum() centroids = pd.DataFrame( expr.fillna(0).values.astype(float) @ label_matrix.values.astype(float), index=expr.index, columns=label_matrix.columns, ) average_nnz = pd.DataFrame( ((expr.fillna(0).values > 0).astype(float) @ label_matrix.values), index=expr.index, columns=label_matrix.columns, ) if average_expressing_only: centroids /= average_nnz centroids = centroids.T.astype(float).apply(stats.zscore, nan_policy='omit').T = "Gene" = "Gene" centroids.reset_index(inplace=True) average_nnz.reset_index(inplace=True) pheno, _, _ = create_cell_labels(adata, study_col, ct_col) pheno.set_index("study_ct", inplace=True) pheno2 = pheno.drop_duplicates() centroids = pd.melt(centroids, id_vars="Gene", value_name="Average Expression", var_name="study_ct") centroids.loc[:, "Cell Type"] = pheno2.loc[centroids["study_ct"]. values, ct_col].values centroids = centroids.groupby(["Gene", "Cell Type"]).agg({ 'Average Expression': lambda x: x.mean(skipna=False) }).reset_index() average_nnz = pd.melt( average_nnz, id_vars="Gene", value_name="Percent Expressing", var_name="study_ct", ) average_nnz.loc[:, "Cell Type"] = pheno2.loc[average_nnz["study_ct"]. values, ct_col].values average_nnz = average_nnz.groupby(["Gene", "Cell Type"]).mean().reset_index() result = centroids.merge(average_nnz, how="inner", on=["Gene", "Cell Type"]) row_order = order_rows_according_to_cols( pd.pivot(result, index="Gene", columns="Cell Type", values="Average Expression"), alpha=10, )[::-1] result.loc[:, "Gene"] = pd.Categorical(result.Gene, categories=row_order) result.sort_values("Gene", inplace=True) result.loc[:, "Gene"] = result["Gene"].astype(str) gene_cat = pd.Categorical(result.Gene, categories=result.Gene.unique()) result.loc[:, 'Gene_pos'] = + 1 cell_cat = result['Cell Type'].astype('category').cat result.loc[:, 'Cell_pos'] = + 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) sns.scatterplot(data=result.fillna(0), x='Cell_pos', y='Gene_pos', hue='Average Expression', size='Percent Expressing', palette='RdYlBu_r', ax=ax) ax.legend(loc=(1, 0), frameon=False) resna = result[result.isna().any(axis=1)] sns.scatterplot(data=resna.fillna(0), x='Cell_pos', y='Gene_pos', size='Percent Expressing', ax=ax, color='.7', legend=None) ax.set(xlabel='Cell Type', ylabel='Gene') ax.set_xticks(result['Cell_pos'].unique()) ax.set_xticklabels(result['Cell Type'].unique()) ax.set_yticks(result['Gene_pos'].unique()) ax.set_yticklabels(result['Gene'].unique()) if show: else: return ax