# load libraries
## Loading required package: S4Vectors
## Loading required package: stats4
## Loading required package: BiocGenerics
## Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     anyDuplicated, aperm, append, as.data.frame, basename, cbind,
##     colnames, dirname, do.call, duplicated, eval, evalq, Filter, Find,
##     get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, Map, mapply,
##     match, mget, order, paste, pmax, pmax.int, pmin, pmin.int,
##     Position, rank, rbind, Reduce, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort,
##     table, tapply, union, unique, unsplit, which.max, which.min
## Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'
## The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
##     findMatches
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     expand.grid, I, unname
## Loading required package: IRanges
## Loading required package: GenomicRanges
## Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb
## Loading required package: SummarizedExperiment
## Loading required package: MatrixGenerics
## Loading required package: matrixStats
## Attaching package: 'MatrixGenerics'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:matrixStats':
##     colAlls, colAnyNAs, colAnys, colAvgsPerRowSet, colCollapse,
##     colCounts, colCummaxs, colCummins, colCumprods, colCumsums,
##     colDiffs, colIQRDiffs, colIQRs, colLogSumExps, colMadDiffs,
##     colMads, colMaxs, colMeans2, colMedians, colMins, colOrderStats,
##     colProds, colQuantiles, colRanges, colRanks, colSdDiffs, colSds,
##     colSums2, colTabulates, colVarDiffs, colVars, colWeightedMads,
##     colWeightedMeans, colWeightedMedians, colWeightedSds,
##     colWeightedVars, rowAlls, rowAnyNAs, rowAnys, rowAvgsPerColSet,
##     rowCollapse, rowCounts, rowCummaxs, rowCummins, rowCumprods,
##     rowCumsums, rowDiffs, rowIQRDiffs, rowIQRs, rowLogSumExps,
##     rowMadDiffs, rowMads, rowMaxs, rowMeans2, rowMedians, rowMins,
##     rowOrderStats, rowProds, rowQuantiles, rowRanges, rowRanks,
##     rowSdDiffs, rowSds, rowSums2, rowTabulates, rowVarDiffs, rowVars,
##     rowWeightedMads, rowWeightedMeans, rowWeightedMedians,
##     rowWeightedSds, rowWeightedVars
## Loading required package: Biobase
## Welcome to Bioconductor
##     Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
##     'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
##     'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
## Attaching package: 'Biobase'
## The following object is masked from 'package:MatrixGenerics':
##     rowMedians
## The following objects are masked from 'package:matrixStats':
##     anyMissing, rowMedians
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Loading required package: ggrepel
## Loading required package: AnnotationDbi
## Attaching package: 'magrittr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:GenomicRanges':
##     subtract
## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
## ✔ dplyr     1.1.3     ✔ readr     2.1.4
## ✔ forcats   1.0.0     ✔ stringr   1.5.0
## ✔ lubridate 1.9.3     ✔ tibble    3.2.1
## ✔ purrr     1.0.2     ✔ tidyr     1.3.0
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ lubridate::%within%() masks IRanges::%within%()
## ✖ dplyr::collapse()     masks IRanges::collapse()
## ✖ dplyr::combine()      masks Biobase::combine(), BiocGenerics::combine()
## ✖ dplyr::count()        masks matrixStats::count()
## ✖ dplyr::desc()         masks IRanges::desc()
## ✖ tidyr::expand()       masks S4Vectors::expand()
## ✖ tidyr::extract()      masks magrittr::extract()
## ✖ dplyr::filter()       masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::first()        masks S4Vectors::first()
## ✖ dplyr::lag()          masks stats::lag()
## ✖ ggplot2::Position()   masks BiocGenerics::Position(), base::Position()
## ✖ purrr::reduce()       masks GenomicRanges::reduce(), IRanges::reduce()
## ✖ dplyr::rename()       masks S4Vectors::rename()
## ✖ lubridate::second()   masks S4Vectors::second()
## ✖ lubridate::second<-() masks S4Vectors::second<-()
## ✖ dplyr::select()       masks AnnotationDbi::select()
## ✖ purrr::set_names()    masks magrittr::set_names()
## ✖ dplyr::slice()        masks IRanges::slice()
## ✖ magrittr::subtract()  masks GenomicRanges::subtract()
## ℹ Use the conflicted package (<http://conflicted.r-lib.org/>) to force all conflicts to become errors

# BiocManager::install("DESeq2")
# BiocManager::install("apeglm")
# BiocManager::install("EnhancedVolcano")

Load the count matrix, and perform some data wrangling

counts <- readRDS("count_matrix_20230925.rds")

# Check dimensions of the matrix and use head()
## [1] 56945    73
##  [1] "gene"                                "Bolz_072_Plate1_Strip9_H09_72__S132"
##  [3] "Bolz_071_Plate1_Strip9_G09_71__S131" "Bolz_070_Plate1_Strip9_F09_70__S130"
##  [5] "Bolz_069_Plate1_Strip9_E09_69__S129" "Bolz_068_Plate1_Strip9_D09_68__S128"
##  [7] "Bolz_067_Plate1_Strip9_C09_67__S127" "Bolz_066_Plate1_Strip9_B09_66__S126"
##  [9] "Bolz_065_Plate1_Strip9_A09_65__S125" "Bolz_064_Plate1_Strip9_H08_64__S124"
## [11] "Bolz_063_Plate1_Strip8_G08_63__S123" "Bolz_062_Plate1_Strip8_F08_62__S122"
## [13] "Bolz_061_Plate1_Strip8_E08_61__S121" "Bolz_060_Plate1_Strip8_D08_60__S120"
## [15] "Bolz_059_Plate1_Strip8_C08_59__S119" "Bolz_058_Plate1_Strip8_B08_58__S118"
## [17] "Bolz_057_Plate1_Strip8_A08_57__S117" "Bolz_056_Plate1_Strip7_H07_56__S116"
## [19] "Bolz_055_Plate1_Strip7_G07_55__S115" "Bolz_054_Plate1_Strip7_F07_54__S114"
## [21] "Bolz_053_Plate1_Strip7_E07_53__S113" "Bolz_052_Plate1_Strip7_D07_52__S112"
## [23] "Bolz_051_Plate1_Strip7_C07_51__S111" "Bolz_050_Plate1_Strip7_B07_50__S110"
## [25] "Bolz_049_Plate1_Strip7_A07_49__S109" "Bolz_048_Plate1_Strip6_H06_48__S108"
## [27] "Bolz_047_Plate1_Strip6_G06_47__S107" "Bolz_046_Plate1_Strip6_F06_46__S106"
## [29] "Bolz_045_Plate1_Strip6_E06_45__S105" "Bolz_044_Plate1_Strip6_D06_44__S104"
## [31] "Bolz_043_Plate1_Strip6_C06_43__S103" "Bolz_042_Plate1_Strip6_B06_42__S102"
## [33] "Bolz_041_Plate1_Strip6_A06_41__S101" "Bolz_040_Plate1_Strip5_H05_40__S100"
## [35] "Bolz_039_Plate1_Strip5_G05_39__S99"  "Bolz_038_Plate1_Strip5_F05_38__S98" 
## [37] "Bolz_037_Plate1_Strip5_E05_37__S97"  "Bolz_036_Plate1_Strip5_D05_36__S96" 
## [39] "Bolz_035_Plate1_Strip5_C05_35__S95"  "Bolz_034_Plate1_Strip5_B05_34__S94" 
## [41] "Bolz_033_Plate1_Strip5_A05_33__S93"  "Bolz_032_Plate1_Strip4_H04_32__S92" 
## [43] "Bolz_031_Plate1_Strip4_G04_31__S91"  "Bolz_030_Plate1_Strip4_F04_30__S90" 
## [45] "Bolz_029_Plate1_Strip4_E04_29__S89"  "Bolz_028_Plate1_Strip4_D04_28__S88" 
## [47] "Bolz_027_Plate1_Strip4_C04_27__S87"  "Bolz_026_Plate1_Strip4_B04_26__S86" 
## [49] "Bolz_025_Plate1_Strip4_A04_25__S85"  "Bolz_024_Plate1_Strip3_H03_24__S84" 
## [51] "Bolz_023_Plate1_Strip3_G03_23__S83"  "Bolz_022_Plate1_Strip3_F03_22__S82" 
## [53] "Bolz_021_Plate1_Strip3_E03_21__S81"  "Bolz_020_Plate1_Strip3_D03_20__S80" 
## [55] "Bolz_019_Plate1_Strip3_C03_19__S79"  "Bolz_018_Plate1_Strip3_B03_18__S78" 
## [57] "Bolz_017_Plate1_Strip3_A03_17__S77"  "Bolz_016_Plate1_Strip2_H02_16__S76" 
## [59] "Bolz_015_Plate1_Strip2_G02_15__S75"  "Bolz_014_Plate1_Strip2_F02_14__S74" 
## [61] "Bolz_013_Plate1_Strip2_E02_13__S73"  "Bolz_012_Plate1_Strip2_D02_12__S72" 
## [63] "Bolz_011_Plate1_Strip2_C02_11__S71"  "Bolz_010_Plate1_Strip2_B02_10__S70" 
## [65] "Bolz_009_Plate1_Strip2_A02_9__S69"   "Bolz_008_Plate1_Strip1_H01_8__S68"  
## [67] "Bolz_007_Plate1_Strip1_G01_7__S67"   "Bolz_006_Plate1_Strip1_F01_6__S66"  
## [69] "Bolz_005_Plate1_Strip1_E01_5__S65"   "Bolz_004_Plate1_Strip1_D01_4__S64"  
## [71] "Bolz_003_Plate1_Strip1_C01_3__S63"   "Bolz_002_Plate1_Strip1_B01_2__S62"  
## [73] "Bolz_001_Plate1_Strip1_A01_1__S61"
# Taking a glance of the matrix
counts[1:10, 1:6]
# we should remove the first four rows and make the gene column as the row names
counts <- data.frame(counts)
rownames(counts) <- counts$gene
counts %<>% dplyr::select(-gene)
counts <- counts[5:nrow(counts),]

# Let's add the gene symbol at this point, and filter out those that don't have gene symbols from the counts matrix
ensembl_ids <- rownames(counts) 

# This function checks for the gene symbols that match the particular ENSEMBL ID.
gene_symbols <- mapIds(org.Mm.eg.db, 
                       keys = ensembl_ids, 
                       column = "SYMBOL",
                       keytype = "ENSEMBL")
## 'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns
# how many gene symbols?
## [1] 56941
gene_symbols %<>% 
  as_tibble(rownames = "ENSEMBL") %>% 
  dplyr::rename(gene = value)

gene_symbols %>% 
  group_by(gene) %>% 
  dplyr::count() %>% 
  filter(n != 1)
# Filter out the genes where it doesn't have a gene symbol
gene_symbols %<>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(gene))

# Save the genes that are NAs (invalid since we already filtered them out)
# gene_symbols_NA <- gene_symbols %>% dplyr::filter(is.na(gene))

#check for duplicate ENSEMBL IDs
gene_symbols %>% group_by(ENSEMBL) %>% dplyr::count() %>% filter(n != 1)
#check for duplicate gene symbols
gene_symbols %>% group_by(gene) %>% dplyr::count() %>% filter(n != 1)
# Filter the counts matrix (these have a registered gene symbol)
counts <- counts[gene_symbols$ENSEMBL,]

# Check order for gene symbols
summary(gene_symbols$ENSEMBL == rownames(counts))
##    Mode    TRUE 
## logical   33148
# We'll select out the first gene ENSEMBL ID among the duplicates.
counts <- counts[!duplicated(gene_symbols$gene),]
# Load the mouse gtf file, containing information on each transcript
gtf_file <- "/home/youkim/Genome_indexing/Mus_musculus.GRCm39.110.gtf"
txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(gtf_file, format = "gtf")
## Import genomic features from the file as a GRanges object ... OK
## Prepare the 'metadata' data frame ... OK
## Make the TxDb object ...
## Warning in .get_cds_IDX(mcols0$type, mcols0$phase): The "phase" metadata column contains non-NA values for features of type
##   stop_codon. This information was ignored.
## OK
# Select out the Y chromosome
chromosome_name <- "Y"

#Extract the Y chromosome Ensembl IDs
genes_on_Y <- genes(txdb, filter = list(tx_chrom = "Y"))
ensembl_gene_ids <- genes_on_Y@ranges@NAMES

#Check for all Y chromosome genes
Y_chr_expression <- counts[(rownames(counts) %in% ensembl_gene_ids),] %>% 
  colSums() %>% 
  data.frame(Y_exp = .)

# We should also set the colData for DESeq2
coldata <- data.frame(sample = colnames(counts), Y_chr_expression)
#check if the order of the rows are identical
rownames(coldata) == rownames(Y_chr_expression)
# Add biological sex information in metadata
coldata <- coldata %>% 
  mutate(sex = ifelse(coldata$Y_exp > 100, "male", "female"))
# Now we can change the rownames of the count matrix to gene symbols!
counts <- counts %>% 
  data.frame() %>% 
  rownames_to_column() %>% 
  rename(ENSEMBL = rowname) %>% 
## Joining with `by = join_by(ENSEMBL)`
counts <- counts %>% 
  column_to_rownames("gene") %>% 

##  [1] "Bolz_072_Plate1_Strip9_H09_72__S132" "Bolz_071_Plate1_Strip9_G09_71__S131"
##  [3] "Bolz_070_Plate1_Strip9_F09_70__S130" "Bolz_069_Plate1_Strip9_E09_69__S129"
##  [5] "Bolz_068_Plate1_Strip9_D09_68__S128" "Bolz_067_Plate1_Strip9_C09_67__S127"
##  [7] "Bolz_066_Plate1_Strip9_B09_66__S126" "Bolz_065_Plate1_Strip9_A09_65__S125"
##  [9] "Bolz_064_Plate1_Strip9_H08_64__S124" "Bolz_063_Plate1_Strip8_G08_63__S123"
## [11] "Bolz_062_Plate1_Strip8_F08_62__S122" "Bolz_061_Plate1_Strip8_E08_61__S121"
## [13] "Bolz_060_Plate1_Strip8_D08_60__S120" "Bolz_059_Plate1_Strip8_C08_59__S119"
## [15] "Bolz_058_Plate1_Strip8_B08_58__S118" "Bolz_057_Plate1_Strip8_A08_57__S117"
## [17] "Bolz_056_Plate1_Strip7_H07_56__S116" "Bolz_055_Plate1_Strip7_G07_55__S115"
## [19] "Bolz_054_Plate1_Strip7_F07_54__S114" "Bolz_053_Plate1_Strip7_E07_53__S113"
## [21] "Bolz_052_Plate1_Strip7_D07_52__S112" "Bolz_051_Plate1_Strip7_C07_51__S111"
## [23] "Bolz_050_Plate1_Strip7_B07_50__S110" "Bolz_049_Plate1_Strip7_A07_49__S109"
## [25] "Bolz_048_Plate1_Strip6_H06_48__S108" "Bolz_047_Plate1_Strip6_G06_47__S107"
## [27] "Bolz_046_Plate1_Strip6_F06_46__S106" "Bolz_045_Plate1_Strip6_E06_45__S105"
## [29] "Bolz_044_Plate1_Strip6_D06_44__S104" "Bolz_043_Plate1_Strip6_C06_43__S103"
## [31] "Bolz_042_Plate1_Strip6_B06_42__S102" "Bolz_041_Plate1_Strip6_A06_41__S101"
## [33] "Bolz_040_Plate1_Strip5_H05_40__S100" "Bolz_039_Plate1_Strip5_G05_39__S99" 
## [35] "Bolz_038_Plate1_Strip5_F05_38__S98"  "Bolz_037_Plate1_Strip5_E05_37__S97" 
## [37] "Bolz_036_Plate1_Strip5_D05_36__S96"  "Bolz_035_Plate1_Strip5_C05_35__S95" 
## [39] "Bolz_034_Plate1_Strip5_B05_34__S94"  "Bolz_033_Plate1_Strip5_A05_33__S93" 
## [41] "Bolz_032_Plate1_Strip4_H04_32__S92"  "Bolz_031_Plate1_Strip4_G04_31__S91" 
## [43] "Bolz_030_Plate1_Strip4_F04_30__S90"  "Bolz_029_Plate1_Strip4_E04_29__S89" 
## [45] "Bolz_028_Plate1_Strip4_D04_28__S88"  "Bolz_027_Plate1_Strip4_C04_27__S87" 
## [47] "Bolz_026_Plate1_Strip4_B04_26__S86"  "Bolz_025_Plate1_Strip4_A04_25__S85" 
## [49] "Bolz_024_Plate1_Strip3_H03_24__S84"  "Bolz_023_Plate1_Strip3_G03_23__S83" 
## [51] "Bolz_022_Plate1_Strip3_F03_22__S82"  "Bolz_021_Plate1_Strip3_E03_21__S81" 
## [53] "Bolz_020_Plate1_Strip3_D03_20__S80"  "Bolz_019_Plate1_Strip3_C03_19__S79" 
## [55] "Bolz_018_Plate1_Strip3_B03_18__S78"  "Bolz_017_Plate1_Strip3_A03_17__S77" 
## [57] "Bolz_016_Plate1_Strip2_H02_16__S76"  "Bolz_015_Plate1_Strip2_G02_15__S75" 
## [59] "Bolz_014_Plate1_Strip2_F02_14__S74"  "Bolz_013_Plate1_Strip2_E02_13__S73" 
## [61] "Bolz_012_Plate1_Strip2_D02_12__S72"  "Bolz_011_Plate1_Strip2_C02_11__S71" 
## [63] "Bolz_010_Plate1_Strip2_B02_10__S70"  "Bolz_009_Plate1_Strip2_A02_9__S69"  
## [65] "Bolz_008_Plate1_Strip1_H01_8__S68"   "Bolz_007_Plate1_Strip1_G01_7__S67"  
## [67] "Bolz_006_Plate1_Strip1_F01_6__S66"   "Bolz_005_Plate1_Strip1_E01_5__S65"  
## [69] "Bolz_004_Plate1_Strip1_D01_4__S64"   "Bolz_003_Plate1_Strip1_C01_3__S63"  
## [71] "Bolz_002_Plate1_Strip1_B01_2__S62"   "Bolz_001_Plate1_Strip1_A01_1__S61"

Let’s also modify the column names and sample information, before running DESeq2

# Let's also add columns addressing their circadian status (time of the day)

# Load the .csv file including the timepoint data
tpdata <- read_csv("Sample_Info(Sept.2023).csv", col_names = F)
## Rows: 72 Columns: 4
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (2): X2, X4
## dbl (2): X1, X3
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# Modify the second column
extracted_part <- str_extract(tpdata$X2, "(?<=_).*?(?=_)") %>% 

# Attach the timepoint data to our bulk RNA-seq metadata.
coldata <- coldata %>% 
  mutate(time_point = extracted_part)

# We want to modify our colnames of the count matrix, so that it can be compatible for NiteCap
sample_numbers <- str_extract(coldata$sample, "(?<=_)[^_]+(?=_)")
coldata <- coldata %>%
  mutate(sample_numbers = sample_numbers)

new_colnames <- paste0(coldata$sex, 

# Let's add the new column names
colnames(counts) <- new_colnames
rownames(coldata) <- new_colnames

# Take an overview of the counts and coldata dataframes
# At this point, we can generate the DESeqDataSetFromMatrix
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts,
                              colData = coldata,
                              design= ~ sex)
## converting counts to integer mode
## Warning in DESeqDataSet(se, design = design, ignoreRank): some variables in
## design formula are characters, converting to factors
# Verify colnames of counts equals rownames of colData
summary(rownames(dds@colData) == colnames(dds@assays@data$counts))
##    Mode    TRUE 
## logical      72

I think we can write the prefiltering step here too, where we follow the original vignette!

# We will filter out genes that have less than 10 reads.
# We also specify the minimum number of samples to be 36, which is the number of M/F samples
smallestGroupSize <- 36
keep <- rowSums(counts(dds) >= 10) >= smallestGroupSize
dds <- dds[keep,]

# Check the dimensions of the count matrix
## [1] 14794    72
# At this point, I run DESeq. Compare before and after running DESeq
dds <- DESeq(dds)
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing
## -- replacing outliers and refitting for 19 genes
## -- DESeq argument 'minReplicatesForReplace' = 7 
## -- original counts are preserved in counts(dds)
## estimating dispersions
## fitting model and testing
# Save the dds R object as a RDS file
# saveRDS(dds, "DESeq2_object_20231106.rds")
not_normalized_counts <- counts(dds, normalized = FALSE)
normalized_counts <- counts(dds, normalized = TRUE)
##        female_ZT23_072 male_ZT23_071 female_ZT19_070 male_ZT19_069
## Pcmtd1     2965.943602    2777.74362      3511.11763    2698.23369
## Uxs1        728.559839     712.79383       683.66255     764.57185
## Cdh19        57.579729      75.96382       125.50754      94.35142
## Dsel        585.198064     462.11323       586.43840     486.94008
## Asic4         8.225676      17.72489        10.60627      11.92949
## Rrs1        493.540536     591.25172       480.81762     593.22099
##        female_ZT15_068 male_ZT15_067 female_ZT11_066 male_ZT11_065
## Pcmtd1     3287.073967    2948.79726       2912.5425    2716.55764
## Uxs1        726.251507     718.47139        701.5077     887.70572
## Cdh19       120.907576      88.53202        134.9760      74.22289
## Dsel        603.731830     543.67740        526.1308     618.52405
## Asic4         4.836303      28.37565         24.7915      11.87566
## Rrs1        572.295860     505.08652        513.2759     513.62237
##        female_ZT7_064 male_ZT7_063 female_ZT3_062 male_ZT3_061 female_ZT23_060
## Pcmtd1    2899.305467   2984.50678     3348.95022   2991.33085      3256.40517
## Uxs1       675.152952    920.20769      849.16801    827.28846       680.37284
## Cdh19       98.333088     57.57009      131.23506     58.82097        71.55645
## Dsel       587.971039    687.18588      774.77809    617.62017       591.22054
## Asic4        7.096202     10.96573       12.63225     13.28215        39.88393
## Rrs1       489.637951    598.54622      514.41335    592.00458       480.95321
##        male_ZT23_059 female_ZT19_058 male_ZT19_057 female_ZT15_056
## Pcmtd1   3099.867326      3368.02353   3411.652814     4172.546688
## Uxs1      781.659118       719.34883    763.212884      689.117496
## Cdh19      49.255232       218.85426    111.491922       80.662597
## Dsel      525.746065       670.01693    565.568114      701.067510
## Asic4       9.636893        17.04193      5.067815        9.958345
## Rrs1      584.638190       458.33822    508.808590      460.075554
##        male_ZT15_055 female_ZT11_054 male_ZT11_053 female_ZT7_052 male_ZT7_051
## Pcmtd1    2951.41610      3893.43054   2964.561341      3401.5691   3281.02774
## Uxs1       700.46601       767.56202    683.369080       722.0522    652.75183
## Cdh19       67.74580       128.43264     63.023188       193.0681     79.43541
## Dsel       550.91396       720.03183    521.485988       618.2642    591.73623
## Asic4       16.61689        29.32714      7.414493        13.3920     10.36114
## Rrs1       483.16816       566.31717    511.599998       445.2841    556.04786
##        female_ZT3_050 male_ZT3_049 female_ZT23_048 male_ZT23_047
## Pcmtd1     3325.56279  3078.940456       3832.7266   3124.081831
## Uxs1        691.02603   764.341575        787.4233    785.609297
## Cdh19        64.78369    47.257678        170.9833     66.079287
## Dsel        509.37765   626.677904        600.2415    555.555484
## Asic4        24.13510     4.109363         14.3986      8.565833
## Rrs1        532.24248   652.361425        452.6559    578.805604
##        female_ZT19_046 male_ZT19_045 female_ZT15_044 male_ZT15_043
## Pcmtd1      3879.28549    3119.21749      3931.33773    3099.95279
## Uxs1         734.85571     777.23076       762.75336     758.29440
## Cdh19        104.97939     288.24452       176.84218     135.81392
## Dsel         612.04964     609.43127       592.71281     465.16269
## Asic4         15.84595      19.55945        15.54657      10.18604
## Rrs1         455.57093     504.42791       491.66013     437.99990
##        female_ZT11_042 male_ZT11_041 female_ZT7_040 male_ZT7_039 female_ZT3_038
## Pcmtd1      3096.96218   3319.355619    3299.856461  4021.565867      3392.9820
## Uxs1         818.84506    704.916919     844.916488   863.255207       764.4523
## Cdh19        199.07701    119.964764      42.565062   119.112027        52.8542
## Dsel         631.97561    673.190701     563.987077   670.465638       721.9111
## Asic4         18.78085      4.957222       6.384759     7.367754        19.3369
## Rrs1         517.41242    504.645164     508.652496   475.220150       542.7224
##        male_ZT3_037 female_ZT23_036 male_ZT23_035 female_ZT19_034 male_ZT19_033
## Pcmtd1  3597.804900      3665.62826   3865.082049      3712.78906   3201.232914
## Uxs1     799.991639       718.16390    789.843511       810.35196    866.562392
## Cdh19     81.984041        87.77559    106.457169       112.28406     83.290948
## Dsel     576.477254       694.22511    624.148079       621.79948    694.091236
## Asic4      6.903919        10.97195      1.717051        10.59284      4.206614
## Rrs1     641.201497       530.64333    513.398282       517.98969    551.066375
##        female_ZT15_032 male_ZT15_031 female_ZT11_030 male_ZT11_029
## Pcmtd1      3223.67973    2856.60151      3626.24187   2720.407970
## Uxs1         751.27230     681.42832       665.31049    705.428225
## Cdh19        119.90645      99.85286        37.16149     70.419280
## Dsel         651.52711     532.99839       547.83224    492.934959
## Asic4         23.34462      16.19236        20.37888      2.470852
## Rrs1         548.59856     491.16814       471.11175    491.699533
##        female_ZT7_028 male_ZT7_027 female_ZT3_026 male_ZT3_025 female_ZT23_024
## Pcmtd1     3697.10758  3301.130524      3381.7203   3207.25405     3682.954672
## Uxs1        694.40492   858.698983       793.2836    829.17543      872.156395
## Cdh19        45.49549    68.047844       114.9686     73.54882      109.716903
## Dsel        566.29919   732.324416       669.2817    822.17078      686.195544
## Asic4        15.56425     6.480747        17.2453     12.25814        8.368238
## Rrs1        475.30820   563.014899       451.6625    495.57898      535.567254
##        male_ZT23_023 female_ZT19_022 male_ZT19_021 female_ZT15_020
## Pcmtd1    3559.85476      4439.13137   3679.231652      3061.27958
## Uxs1       685.23491       723.53903    776.087927       698.25105
## Cdh19       98.03216       113.65077    135.174474        94.32514
## Dsel       659.48909       632.39337    647.905236       600.25090
## Asic4       15.84358        15.75357      9.322377        15.92502
## Rrs1       515.90663       502.98903    521.276275       607.60091
##        male_ZT15_019 female_ZT11_018 male_ZT11_017 female_ZT7_016 male_ZT7_015
## Pcmtd1    3530.66548     3547.356586   2961.540379     2647.51004   2977.32591
## Uxs1       779.02333      817.913824    783.579295      732.89802    826.32787
## Cdh19      121.72240       82.710387    135.057922      284.92251    148.81734
## Dsel       704.55786      811.480794    546.315378      510.17098    625.62027
## Asic4       22.91245        5.514026      8.517166       31.09774     22.51841
## Rrs1       476.14937      487.072277    585.250995      545.47112    493.44698
##        female_ZT3_014 male_ZT3_013 female_ZT23_012 male_ZT23_011
## Pcmtd1     3487.48997  3328.791968      3633.75146    4095.21714
## Uxs1        714.62452   837.055179       768.75549     764.17928
## Cdh19       167.18748    93.096079       111.54491     171.89580
## Dsel        668.74990   669.482237       641.13203     686.69257
## Asic4        15.29154     4.047656        20.09818      16.03173
## Rrs1        515.83453   416.098996       567.77367     424.84093
##        female_ZT19_010 male_ZT19_009 female_ZT15_008 male_ZT15_007
## Pcmtd1      3439.99527   3440.485090      3235.74617    3208.96173
## Uxs1         709.26808    851.027058       830.11851     770.22005
## Cdh19        247.83828    112.002436        81.51034     233.66226
## Dsel         696.65086    595.431755       464.39446     715.69885
## Asic4         16.22214      9.572858        10.72505      13.84665
## Rrs1         492.97286    552.353895       670.31533     516.65322
##        female_ZT11_006 male_ZT11_005 female_ZT7_004 male_ZT7_003 female_ZT3_002
## Pcmtd1     3361.396049    3437.84252     3284.85245   2406.86214     2930.63765
## Uxs1        817.514670     676.61747      648.16446    690.59921      787.26251
## Cdh19       193.526703     132.97684      129.01852     79.72596      109.20619
## Dsel        614.944663     593.50694      674.78733    525.76040      626.71311
## Asic4         6.330313      21.51096       20.47913     14.00591       22.00423
## Rrs1        496.477382     510.39642      513.00221    493.43906      460.45892
##        male_ZT3_001
## Pcmtd1   3368.71992
## Uxs1      808.49278
## Cdh19      98.95615
## Dsel      645.32041
## Asic4      10.52725
## Rrs1      488.46439
male_samples <- dds@colData[dds@colData$sex == "male",]
female_samples <- dds@colData[dds@colData$sex == "female",]

male_dds <- dds[, (colnames(dds) %in% rownames(male_samples))]
female_dds <- dds[, (colnames(dds) %in% rownames(female_samples))]

male_count <- counts(male_dds, normalized = TRUE)
male_count <- male_count[, ncol(male_dds@assays@data$counts):1]
##        male_ZT3_001 male_ZT7_003 male_ZT11_005 male_ZT15_007 male_ZT19_009
## Pcmtd1   3368.71992   2406.86214    3437.84252    3208.96173   3440.485090
## Uxs1      808.49278    690.59921     676.61747     770.22005    851.027058
## Cdh19      98.95615     79.72596     132.97684     233.66226    112.002436
## Dsel      645.32041    525.76040     593.50694     715.69885    595.431755
## Asic4      10.52725     14.00591      21.51096      13.84665      9.572858
## Rrs1      488.46439    493.43906     510.39642     516.65322    552.353895
##        male_ZT23_011 male_ZT3_013 male_ZT7_015 male_ZT11_017 male_ZT15_019
## Pcmtd1    4095.21714  3328.791968   2977.32591   2961.540379    3530.66548
## Uxs1       764.17928   837.055179    826.32787    783.579295     779.02333
## Cdh19      171.89580    93.096079    148.81734    135.057922     121.72240
## Dsel       686.69257   669.482237    625.62027    546.315378     704.55786
## Asic4       16.03173     4.047656     22.51841      8.517166      22.91245
## Rrs1       424.84093   416.098996    493.44698    585.250995     476.14937
##        male_ZT19_021 male_ZT23_023 male_ZT3_025 male_ZT7_027 male_ZT11_029
## Pcmtd1   3679.231652    3559.85476   3207.25405  3301.130524   2720.407970
## Uxs1      776.087927     685.23491    829.17543   858.698983    705.428225
## Cdh19     135.174474      98.03216     73.54882    68.047844     70.419280
## Dsel      647.905236     659.48909    822.17078   732.324416    492.934959
## Asic4       9.322377      15.84358     12.25814     6.480747      2.470852
## Rrs1      521.276275     515.90663    495.57898   563.014899    491.699533
##        male_ZT15_031 male_ZT19_033 male_ZT23_035 male_ZT3_037 male_ZT7_039
## Pcmtd1    2856.60151   3201.232914   3865.082049  3597.804900  4021.565867
## Uxs1       681.42832    866.562392    789.843511   799.991639   863.255207
## Cdh19       99.85286     83.290948    106.457169    81.984041   119.112027
## Dsel       532.99839    694.091236    624.148079   576.477254   670.465638
## Asic4       16.19236      4.206614      1.717051     6.903919     7.367754
## Rrs1       491.16814    551.066375    513.398282   641.201497   475.220150
##        male_ZT11_041 male_ZT15_043 male_ZT19_045 male_ZT23_047 male_ZT3_049
## Pcmtd1   3319.355619    3099.95279    3119.21749   3124.081831  3078.940456
## Uxs1      704.916919     758.29440     777.23076    785.609297   764.341575
## Cdh19     119.964764     135.81392     288.24452     66.079287    47.257678
## Dsel      673.190701     465.16269     609.43127    555.555484   626.677904
## Asic4       4.957222      10.18604      19.55945      8.565833     4.109363
## Rrs1      504.645164     437.99990     504.42791    578.805604   652.361425
##        male_ZT7_051 male_ZT11_053 male_ZT15_055 male_ZT19_057 male_ZT23_059
## Pcmtd1   3281.02774   2964.561341    2951.41610   3411.652814   3099.867326
## Uxs1      652.75183    683.369080     700.46601    763.212884    781.659118
## Cdh19      79.43541     63.023188      67.74580    111.491922     49.255232
## Dsel      591.73623    521.485988     550.91396    565.568114    525.746065
## Asic4      10.36114      7.414493      16.61689      5.067815      9.636893
## Rrs1      556.04786    511.599998     483.16816    508.808590    584.638190
##        male_ZT3_061 male_ZT7_063 male_ZT11_065 male_ZT15_067 male_ZT19_069
## Pcmtd1   2991.33085   2984.50678    2716.55764    2948.79726    2698.23369
## Uxs1      827.28846    920.20769     887.70572     718.47139     764.57185
## Cdh19      58.82097     57.57009      74.22289      88.53202      94.35142
## Dsel      617.62017    687.18588     618.52405     543.67740     486.94008
## Asic4      13.28215     10.96573      11.87566      28.37565      11.92949
## Rrs1      592.00458    598.54622     513.62237     505.08652     593.22099
##        male_ZT23_071
## Pcmtd1    2777.74362
## Uxs1       712.79383
## Cdh19       75.96382
## Dsel       462.11323
## Asic4       17.72489
## Rrs1       591.25172
female_count <- counts(female_dds, normalized = TRUE)
female_count <- female_count[, ncol(female_dds@assays@data$counts):1]
##        female_ZT3_002 female_ZT7_004 female_ZT11_006 female_ZT15_008
## Pcmtd1     2930.63765     3284.85245     3361.396049      3235.74617
## Uxs1        787.26251      648.16446      817.514670       830.11851
## Cdh19       109.20619      129.01852      193.526703        81.51034
## Dsel        626.71311      674.78733      614.944663       464.39446
## Asic4        22.00423       20.47913        6.330313        10.72505
## Rrs1        460.45892      513.00221      496.477382       670.31533
##        female_ZT19_010 female_ZT23_012 female_ZT3_014 female_ZT7_016
## Pcmtd1      3439.99527      3633.75146     3487.48997     2647.51004
## Uxs1         709.26808       768.75549      714.62452      732.89802
## Cdh19        247.83828       111.54491      167.18748      284.92251
## Dsel         696.65086       641.13203      668.74990      510.17098
## Asic4         16.22214        20.09818       15.29154       31.09774
## Rrs1         492.97286       567.77367      515.83453      545.47112
##        female_ZT11_018 female_ZT15_020 female_ZT19_022 female_ZT23_024
## Pcmtd1     3547.356586      3061.27958      4439.13137     3682.954672
## Uxs1        817.913824       698.25105       723.53903      872.156395
## Cdh19        82.710387        94.32514       113.65077      109.716903
## Dsel        811.480794       600.25090       632.39337      686.195544
## Asic4         5.514026        15.92502        15.75357        8.368238
## Rrs1        487.072277       607.60091       502.98903      535.567254
##        female_ZT3_026 female_ZT7_028 female_ZT11_030 female_ZT15_032
## Pcmtd1      3381.7203     3697.10758      3626.24187      3223.67973
## Uxs1         793.2836      694.40492       665.31049       751.27230
## Cdh19        114.9686       45.49549        37.16149       119.90645
## Dsel         669.2817      566.29919       547.83224       651.52711
## Asic4         17.2453       15.56425        20.37888        23.34462
## Rrs1         451.6625      475.30820       471.11175       548.59856
##        female_ZT19_034 female_ZT23_036 female_ZT3_038 female_ZT7_040
## Pcmtd1      3712.78906      3665.62826      3392.9820    3299.856461
## Uxs1         810.35196       718.16390       764.4523     844.916488
## Cdh19        112.28406        87.77559        52.8542      42.565062
## Dsel         621.79948       694.22511       721.9111     563.987077
## Asic4         10.59284        10.97195        19.3369       6.384759
## Rrs1         517.98969       530.64333       542.7224     508.652496
##        female_ZT11_042 female_ZT15_044 female_ZT19_046 female_ZT23_048
## Pcmtd1      3096.96218      3931.33773      3879.28549       3832.7266
## Uxs1         818.84506       762.75336       734.85571        787.4233
## Cdh19        199.07701       176.84218       104.97939        170.9833
## Dsel         631.97561       592.71281       612.04964        600.2415
## Asic4         18.78085        15.54657        15.84595         14.3986
## Rrs1         517.41242       491.66013       455.57093        452.6559
##        female_ZT3_050 female_ZT7_052 female_ZT11_054 female_ZT15_056
## Pcmtd1     3325.56279      3401.5691      3893.43054     4172.546688
## Uxs1        691.02603       722.0522       767.56202      689.117496
## Cdh19        64.78369       193.0681       128.43264       80.662597
## Dsel        509.37765       618.2642       720.03183      701.067510
## Asic4        24.13510        13.3920        29.32714        9.958345
## Rrs1        532.24248       445.2841       566.31717      460.075554
##        female_ZT19_058 female_ZT23_060 female_ZT3_062 female_ZT7_064
## Pcmtd1      3368.02353      3256.40517     3348.95022    2899.305467
## Uxs1         719.34883       680.37284      849.16801     675.152952
## Cdh19        218.85426        71.55645      131.23506      98.333088
## Dsel         670.01693       591.22054      774.77809     587.971039
## Asic4         17.04193        39.88393       12.63225       7.096202
## Rrs1         458.33822       480.95321      514.41335     489.637951
##        female_ZT11_066 female_ZT15_068 female_ZT19_070 female_ZT23_072
## Pcmtd1       2912.5425     3287.073967      3511.11763     2965.943602
## Uxs1          701.5077      726.251507       683.66255      728.559839
## Cdh19         134.9760      120.907576       125.50754       57.579729
## Dsel          526.1308      603.731830       586.43840      585.198064
## Asic4          24.7915        4.836303        10.60627        8.225676
## Rrs1          513.2759      572.295860       480.81762      493.540536
# Let's also arrange the columns by time frames
tibble_colnames_1 <- tibble(name = colnames(male_count)) %>% 
  filter(grepl("male_", name)) %>% 
  mutate(timepoint = as.numeric(gsub(".*_ZT(.*)_.*", "\\1", name))) %>% 
male_count_modified <- male_count[,tibble_colnames_1$name]

tibble_colnames_2 <- tibble(name = colnames(female_count)) %>% 
  filter(grepl("female_", name)) %>% 
  mutate(timepoint = as.numeric(gsub(".*_ZT(.*)_.*", "\\1", name))) %>% 
female_count_modified <- female_count[,tibble_colnames_2$name]

# Let's use head() to see if our columns look correct for males and females
##        male_ZT3_001 male_ZT3_013 male_ZT3_025 male_ZT3_037 male_ZT3_049
## Pcmtd1   3368.71992  3328.791968   3207.25405  3597.804900  3078.940456
## Uxs1      808.49278   837.055179    829.17543   799.991639   764.341575
## Cdh19      98.95615    93.096079     73.54882    81.984041    47.257678
## Dsel      645.32041   669.482237    822.17078   576.477254   626.677904
## Asic4      10.52725     4.047656     12.25814     6.903919     4.109363
## Rrs1      488.46439   416.098996    495.57898   641.201497   652.361425
##        male_ZT3_061 male_ZT7_003 male_ZT7_015 male_ZT7_027 male_ZT7_039
## Pcmtd1   2991.33085   2406.86214   2977.32591  3301.130524  4021.565867
## Uxs1      827.28846    690.59921    826.32787   858.698983   863.255207
## Cdh19      58.82097     79.72596    148.81734    68.047844   119.112027
## Dsel      617.62017    525.76040    625.62027   732.324416   670.465638
## Asic4      13.28215     14.00591     22.51841     6.480747     7.367754
## Rrs1      592.00458    493.43906    493.44698   563.014899   475.220150
##        male_ZT7_051 male_ZT7_063 male_ZT11_005 male_ZT11_017 male_ZT11_029
## Pcmtd1   3281.02774   2984.50678    3437.84252   2961.540379   2720.407970
## Uxs1      652.75183    920.20769     676.61747    783.579295    705.428225
## Cdh19      79.43541     57.57009     132.97684    135.057922     70.419280
## Dsel      591.73623    687.18588     593.50694    546.315378    492.934959
## Asic4      10.36114     10.96573      21.51096      8.517166      2.470852
## Rrs1      556.04786    598.54622     510.39642    585.250995    491.699533
##        male_ZT11_041 male_ZT11_053 male_ZT11_065 male_ZT15_007 male_ZT15_019
## Pcmtd1   3319.355619   2964.561341    2716.55764    3208.96173    3530.66548
## Uxs1      704.916919    683.369080     887.70572     770.22005     779.02333
## Cdh19     119.964764     63.023188      74.22289     233.66226     121.72240
## Dsel      673.190701    521.485988     618.52405     715.69885     704.55786
## Asic4       4.957222      7.414493      11.87566      13.84665      22.91245
## Rrs1      504.645164    511.599998     513.62237     516.65322     476.14937
##        male_ZT15_031 male_ZT15_043 male_ZT15_055 male_ZT15_067 male_ZT19_009
## Pcmtd1    2856.60151    3099.95279    2951.41610    2948.79726   3440.485090
## Uxs1       681.42832     758.29440     700.46601     718.47139    851.027058
## Cdh19       99.85286     135.81392      67.74580      88.53202    112.002436
## Dsel       532.99839     465.16269     550.91396     543.67740    595.431755
## Asic4       16.19236      10.18604      16.61689      28.37565      9.572858
## Rrs1       491.16814     437.99990     483.16816     505.08652    552.353895
##        male_ZT19_021 male_ZT19_033 male_ZT19_045 male_ZT19_057 male_ZT19_069
## Pcmtd1   3679.231652   3201.232914    3119.21749   3411.652814    2698.23369
## Uxs1      776.087927    866.562392     777.23076    763.212884     764.57185
## Cdh19     135.174474     83.290948     288.24452    111.491922      94.35142
## Dsel      647.905236    694.091236     609.43127    565.568114     486.94008
## Asic4       9.322377      4.206614      19.55945      5.067815      11.92949
## Rrs1      521.276275    551.066375     504.42791    508.808590     593.22099
##        male_ZT23_011 male_ZT23_023 male_ZT23_035 male_ZT23_047 male_ZT23_059
## Pcmtd1    4095.21714    3559.85476   3865.082049   3124.081831   3099.867326
## Uxs1       764.17928     685.23491    789.843511    785.609297    781.659118
## Cdh19      171.89580      98.03216    106.457169     66.079287     49.255232
## Dsel       686.69257     659.48909    624.148079    555.555484    525.746065
## Asic4       16.03173      15.84358      1.717051      8.565833      9.636893
## Rrs1       424.84093     515.90663    513.398282    578.805604    584.638190
##        male_ZT23_071
## Pcmtd1    2777.74362
## Uxs1       712.79383
## Cdh19       75.96382
## Dsel       462.11323
## Asic4       17.72489
## Rrs1       591.25172
##        female_ZT3_002 female_ZT3_014 female_ZT3_026 female_ZT3_038
## Pcmtd1     2930.63765     3487.48997      3381.7203      3392.9820
## Uxs1        787.26251      714.62452       793.2836       764.4523
## Cdh19       109.20619      167.18748       114.9686        52.8542
## Dsel        626.71311      668.74990       669.2817       721.9111
## Asic4        22.00423       15.29154        17.2453        19.3369
## Rrs1        460.45892      515.83453       451.6625       542.7224
##        female_ZT3_050 female_ZT3_062 female_ZT7_004 female_ZT7_016
## Pcmtd1     3325.56279     3348.95022     3284.85245     2647.51004
## Uxs1        691.02603      849.16801      648.16446      732.89802
## Cdh19        64.78369      131.23506      129.01852      284.92251
## Dsel        509.37765      774.77809      674.78733      510.17098
## Asic4        24.13510       12.63225       20.47913       31.09774
## Rrs1        532.24248      514.41335      513.00221      545.47112
##        female_ZT7_028 female_ZT7_040 female_ZT7_052 female_ZT7_064
## Pcmtd1     3697.10758    3299.856461      3401.5691    2899.305467
## Uxs1        694.40492     844.916488       722.0522     675.152952
## Cdh19        45.49549      42.565062       193.0681      98.333088
## Dsel        566.29919     563.987077       618.2642     587.971039
## Asic4        15.56425       6.384759        13.3920       7.096202
## Rrs1        475.30820     508.652496       445.2841     489.637951
##        female_ZT11_006 female_ZT11_018 female_ZT11_030 female_ZT11_042
## Pcmtd1     3361.396049     3547.356586      3626.24187      3096.96218
## Uxs1        817.514670      817.913824       665.31049       818.84506
## Cdh19       193.526703       82.710387        37.16149       199.07701
## Dsel        614.944663      811.480794       547.83224       631.97561
## Asic4         6.330313        5.514026        20.37888        18.78085
## Rrs1        496.477382      487.072277       471.11175       517.41242
##        female_ZT11_054 female_ZT11_066 female_ZT15_008 female_ZT15_020
## Pcmtd1      3893.43054       2912.5425      3235.74617      3061.27958
## Uxs1         767.56202        701.5077       830.11851       698.25105
## Cdh19        128.43264        134.9760        81.51034        94.32514
## Dsel         720.03183        526.1308       464.39446       600.25090
## Asic4         29.32714         24.7915        10.72505        15.92502
## Rrs1         566.31717        513.2759       670.31533       607.60091
##        female_ZT15_032 female_ZT15_044 female_ZT15_056 female_ZT15_068
## Pcmtd1      3223.67973      3931.33773     4172.546688     3287.073967
## Uxs1         751.27230       762.75336      689.117496      726.251507
## Cdh19        119.90645       176.84218       80.662597      120.907576
## Dsel         651.52711       592.71281      701.067510      603.731830
## Asic4         23.34462        15.54657        9.958345        4.836303
## Rrs1         548.59856       491.66013      460.075554      572.295860
##        female_ZT19_010 female_ZT19_022 female_ZT19_034 female_ZT19_046
## Pcmtd1      3439.99527      4439.13137      3712.78906      3879.28549
## Uxs1         709.26808       723.53903       810.35196       734.85571
## Cdh19        247.83828       113.65077       112.28406       104.97939
## Dsel         696.65086       632.39337       621.79948       612.04964
## Asic4         16.22214        15.75357        10.59284        15.84595
## Rrs1         492.97286       502.98903       517.98969       455.57093
##        female_ZT19_058 female_ZT19_070 female_ZT23_012 female_ZT23_024
## Pcmtd1      3368.02353      3511.11763      3633.75146     3682.954672
## Uxs1         719.34883       683.66255       768.75549      872.156395
## Cdh19        218.85426       125.50754       111.54491      109.716903
## Dsel         670.01693       586.43840       641.13203      686.195544
## Asic4         17.04193        10.60627        20.09818        8.368238
## Rrs1         458.33822       480.81762       567.77367      535.567254
##        female_ZT23_036 female_ZT23_048 female_ZT23_060 female_ZT23_072
## Pcmtd1      3665.62826       3832.7266      3256.40517     2965.943602
## Uxs1         718.16390        787.4233       680.37284      728.559839
## Cdh19         87.77559        170.9833        71.55645       57.579729
## Dsel         694.22511        600.2415       591.22054      585.198064
## Asic4         10.97195         14.3986        39.88393        8.225676
## Rrs1         530.64333        452.6559       480.95321      493.540536
# We save the count matrices as a new .csv file
male_count_modified <- male_count_modified %>% 
  data.frame() %>% 
  rownames_to_column() %>% 
  dplyr::rename(gene = rowname)

female_count_modified <- female_count_modified %>% 
  data.frame() %>% 
  rownames_to_column() %>% 
  dplyr::rename(gene = rowname)

# write.csv(male_count_modified, "DESeq2_normalized_male_counts_20231106.csv", row.names = FALSE)
# write.csv(female_count_modified, "DESeq2_normalized_female_counts_20231106.csv", row.names = FALSE)
# Let's try using the MetaCycle package at this point!
# MetaCycle::meta2d(infile = "DESeq2_normalized_male_counts_20231106.csv", 
#                   filestyle = "csv",
#                   timepoints = rep(seq(3, 23, by=4), each=6),
#                   outdir = "metaout_20231106")
# MetaCycle::meta2d(infile = "DESeq2_normalized_female_counts_20231106.csv", 
#                   filestyle = "csv",
#                   timepoints = rep(seq(3, 23, by=4), each=6),
#                   outdir = "metaout_20231106")

male_metaCycle <- read.csv("~/Circadian_Rhythms/metaout_20231106/meta2d_DESeq2_normalized_male_counts_20231106.csv")
female_metaCycle <- read.csv("~/Circadian_Rhythms/metaout_20231106/meta2d_DESeq2_normalized_female_counts_20231106.csv")

male_cycling <- male_metaCycle %>% 
  filter(meta2d_pvalue < 0.05) %>% pull(CycID)
female_cycling <- female_metaCycle %>% 
  filter(meta2d_pvalue < 0.05) %>% pull(CycID)

## [1] 1287
## [1] 1721
# Find the common genes that cycle between males and females
common_cycling <- intersect(male_cycling, female_cycling)

"Per2" %in% common_cycling
## [1] TRUE
"Bmal1" %in% common_cycling
## [1] TRUE
"Clock" %in% common_cycling
## [1] TRUE
"Npas2" %in% common_cycling
## [1] TRUE
"Cry1" %in% common_cycling
## [1] TRUE

I think it’s a good idea to check for adjusted p-values here too.

male_cycling_BH <- male_metaCycle %>% 
  filter(meta2d_BH.Q < 0.05) %>% pull(CycID)
female_cycling_BH <- female_metaCycle %>% 
  filter(meta2d_BH.Q < 0.05) %>% pull(CycID)

## [1] 537
## [1] 889
# Find the common genes that cycle between males and females
common_cycling_BH <- intersect(male_cycling_BH, female_cycling_BH)
## [1] 323
"Per2" %in% common_cycling_BH
## [1] TRUE
"Bmal1" %in% common_cycling_BH
## [1] TRUE
"Clock" %in% common_cycling_BH
## [1] TRUE
"Npas2" %in% common_cycling_BH
## [1] TRUE
"Cry1" %in% common_cycling_BH
## [1] TRUE
male_phase <- male_metaCycle %>% 
  filter(CycID %in% common_cycling_BH) %>% 

female_phase <- female_metaCycle %>% 
  filter(CycID %in% common_cycling_BH) %>% 

test1 <- female_metaCycle %>% 
  filter(CycID %in% common_cycling_BH)

test1[(abs(male_phase - female_phase) > 6) & (abs(male_phase - female_phase) < 18),] %>% 
  pull(CycID) %>% cat()
## Ttc9c
test2 <- male_metaCycle %>% 
  filter(CycID %in% common_cycling)
test2[(abs(male_phase - female_phase) > 6) & (abs(male_phase - female_phase) < 18),] %>% 
  pull(CycID) %>% cat()
## Tubgcp2 Cxxc1
# Check for the results from DESeq2
## [1] "Intercept"          "sex_male_vs_female"
res <- results(dds, name = "sex_male_vs_female")
resLFC <- lfcShrink(dds, coef = "sex_male_vs_female", type = "apeglm")
## using 'apeglm' for LFC shrinkage. If used in published research, please cite:
##     Zhu, A., Ibrahim, J.G., Love, M.I. (2018) Heavy-tailed prior distributions for
##     sequence count data: removing the noise and preserving large differences.
##     Bioinformatics. https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty895
# Let's take a quick look at a visualization of the results
plotMA(res, ylim = c(-2,2))

# MAplot for LFC results
plotMA(resLFC, ylim = c(-2,2))

I think at this point we can implement the EnhancedVolcano package, which is great when we use DESeq2.

# We will make two versions of the EnhancedVolcano plots
# General results
res_filtered <- res[!(rownames(res) %in% c("Xist", "Ddx3y", "Kdm5d", "Eif2s3y","Uty")),]
# pdf(file = "Volcanoplot_20231107.pdf",
#     height = 12,
#     width = 6)
                lab = rownames(res_filtered),
                x = "log2FoldChange",
                pCutoff = 10e-10,
                FCcutoff = 1.0,
                y= "pvalue"

# dev.off()

                lab = rownames(resLFC),
                x = "log2FoldChange",
                y= "pvalue"
## Warning: One or more p-values is 0. Converting to 10^-1 * current lowest
## non-zero p-value...