import sys import gzip import os import numpy as np import util class TestSNP: def __init__(self, name, geno_hap1, geno_hap2, AS_target_ref, AS_target_alt, hetps, totals, counts): = name self.geno_hap1 = geno_hap1 self.geno_hap2 = geno_hap2 self.AS_target_ref = AS_target_ref self.AS_target_alt = AS_target_alt self.hetps = hetps self.totals = totals self.counts = counts def is_het(self): """returns True if the test SNP is heterozygous""" return self.geno_hap1 != self.geno_hap2 def is_homo_ref(self): """Returns True if test SNP is homozygous for reference allele""" return self.geno_hap1 == 0 and self.geno_hap2 == 0 def is_homo_alt(self): """Returns True if test SNP is homozygous for non-reference allele""" return self.geno_hap1 == 1 and self.geno_hap2 == 1 dup_snp_warn = True def parse_test_snp(snpinfo, shuffle=False): global dup_snp_warn snp_id = snpinfo[2] tot = 0 if snpinfo[16] == "NA" else float(snpinfo[16]) if snpinfo[6] == "NA": geno_hap1 = 0 geno_hap2 = 0 else: geno_hap1 = int(snpinfo[6].strip().split("|")[0]) geno_hap2 = int(snpinfo[6].strip().split("|")[1]) count = 0 if snpinfo[15] == "NA" else int(snpinfo[15]) if snpinfo[9].strip() == "NA" or geno_hap1 == geno_hap2: # SNP is homozygous, so there is no AS info return TestSNP(snp_id, geno_hap1, geno_hap2, [], [], [], tot, count) else: # positions of target SNPs snp_locs = np.array([int(y.strip()) for y in snpinfo[9].split(';')]) # counts of reads that match reference overlapping linked 'target' SNPs snp_as_ref = np.array([int(y) for y in snpinfo[12].split(';')]) # counts of reads that match alternate allele snp_as_alt = np.array([int(y) for y in snpinfo[13].split(';')]) # heterozygote probabilities snp_hetps = np.array([np.float64(y.strip()) for y in snpinfo[10].split(';')]) # linkage probabilities, not currently used snp_linkageps = np.array([np.float64(y.strip()) for y in snpinfo[11].split(';')]) # same SNP should not be provided multiple times, this # can create problems with combined test. Warn and filter # duplicate SNPs uniq_loc, uniq_idx = np.unique(snp_locs, return_index=True) if dup_snp_warn and uniq_loc.shape[0] != snp_locs.shape[0]: sys.stderr.write("WARNING: discarding SNPs that are repeated " "multiple times in same line\n") # only warn once dup_snp_warn = False snp_as_ref = snp_as_ref[uniq_idx] snp_as_alt = snp_as_alt[uniq_idx] snp_hetps = snp_hetps[uniq_idx] # linkage probabilities currently not used snp_linkageps = snp_linkageps[uniq_idx] if shuffle: # permute allele-specific read counts by flipping them randomly at # each SNP for y in range(len(snp_as_ref)): if random.randint(0, 1) == 1: temp = snp_as_ref[y] snp_as_ref[y] = snp_as_alt[y] snp_as_alt[y] = temp return TestSNP(snp_id, geno_hap1, geno_hap2, snp_as_ref, snp_as_alt, snp_hetps, tot, count) def open_input_files(in_filename): if not os.path.exists(in_filename) or not os.path.isfile(in_filename): raise IOError("input file %s does not exist or is not a " "regular file\n" % in_filename) # read file that contains list of input files in_file = open(in_filename, "rt") infiles = [] for line in in_file: # open each input file and read first line filename = line.rstrip() sys.stderr.write(" " + filename + "\n") if (not filename) or (not os.path.exists(filename)) or \ (not os.path.isfile(filename)): sys.stderr.write("input file '%s' does not exist or is not a " "regular file\n" % in_file) exit(2) if util.is_gzipped(filename): f =, "rt") else: f = open(filename, "rt") # skip header f.readline() infiles.append(f) in_file.close() if len(infiles) == 0: sys.stderr.write("no input files specified in file '%s'\n" % in_filename) exit(2) return infiles def read_count_matrices(input_filename, shuffle=False, skip=0, min_counts=0, min_as_counts=0, sample=0): """Given an input file that contains paths to input files for all individuals, and returns matrix of observed read counts, and matrix of expected read counts """ infiles = open_input_files(input_filename) is_finished = False count_matrix = [] expected_matrix = [] line_num = 0 skip_num = 0 while not is_finished: is_comment = False line_num += 1 count_line = [] expected_line = [] num_as = 0 for i in range(len(infiles)): # read next row from this input file line = infiles[i].readline().strip() if line.startswith("#") or line.startswith("CHROM"): # skip comment lines and header line is_comment = True elif line: if is_finished: raise IOError("All input files should have same number of lines. " "LINE %d is present in file %s, but not in all input files\n" % (line_num, infiles[i].name)) if is_comment: raise IOError("Comment and header lines should be consistent accross " "all input files. LINE %d is comment or header line in some input files " "but not in file %s" % (line_num, infiles[i].name)) # parse test SNP and associated info from input file row new_snp = parse_test_snp(line.split(), shuffle=shuffle) if new_snp.is_het(): num_as += np.sum(new_snp.AS_target_ref) + \ np.sum(new_snp.AS_target_alt) count_line.append(new_snp.counts) expected_line.append(new_snp.totals) else: # out of lines from at least one file, assume we are finished is_finished = True if not is_finished and not is_comment: if skip_num < skip: # skip this row skip_num += 1 else: if(sum(count_line) >= min_counts and num_as >= min_as_counts): # this line exceeded minimum number of read counts and AS counts count_matrix.append(count_line) expected_matrix.append(expected_line) skip_num = 0 count_matrix = np.array(count_matrix, dtype=int) expected_matrix = np.array(expected_matrix, dtype=np.float64) sys.stderr.write("count_matrix dimension: %s\n" % str(count_matrix.shape)) sys.stderr.write("expect_matrix dimension: %s\n" % str(expected_matrix.shape)) nrow = count_matrix.shape[0] if (sample > 0) and (sample < count_matrix.shape[0]): # randomly sample subset of rows without replacement sys.stderr.write("randomly sampling %d target regions\n" % sample) samp_index = np.arange(nrow) np.random.shuffle(samp_index) samp_index = samp_index[:sample] count_matrix = count_matrix[samp_index,] expected_matrix = expected_matrix[samp_index,] sys.stderr.write("new count_matrix dimension: %s\n" % str(count_matrix.shape)) sys.stderr.write("new expect_matrix dimension: %s\n" % str(expected_matrix.shape)) return count_matrix, expected_matrix