import gzip import argparse import math import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser import tables import util def parse_options(): parser = ArgumentParser(description="""This script adjusts heterozygote probabilities in CHT files to account for possible genotyping errors. Total counts of reference and alternative alleles are used to adjust the probability. The read counts that are provided can be from the same experiment, combined across many different experiments, or (perhaps ideally) from DNA sequencing of the same individual.""") parser.add_argument("infile", action='store', help="Input file for Combined Haplotype " "Test (CHT) that needs het probabilities " "adjusted", default=None) parser.add_argument("outfile", action='store', help="Output CHT file with heterozygote " "probabilities adjusted", default=None) parser.add_argument("--ref_as_counts", action='store', help="Path to HDF5 file containing counts " "of reads that match reference allele", metavar="REF_AS_COUNT_H5_FILE", required=True) parser.add_argument("--alt_as_counts", help="Path to HDF5 file containing counts " "of reads that match alternate allele", metavar="ALT_AS_COUNT_H5_FILE", action='store', required=True) return parser.parse_args() def main(): error = 0.01 args = parse_options() if util.is_gzipped(args.infile): infile =, "rt") else: infile = open(args.infile, "rt") if args.outfile.endswith(".gz"): outfile =, "wt") else: outfile = open(args.outfile, "wt") ref_count_h5 = tables.open_file(args.ref_as_counts) alt_count_h5 = tables.open_file(args.alt_as_counts) snp_line = infile.readline() if snp_line: outfile.write(snp_line) else: sys.stderr.write("The input file was empty.\n") exit(-1) snp_line = infile.readline() while snp_line: snpinfo = snp_line.strip().split() if snpinfo[9] == "NA": outfile.write(snp_line) else: new_hetps = process_one_snp(snpinfo, ref_count_h5, alt_count_h5, error) outfile.write("\t".join(snpinfo[:10] + [";".join(new_hetps)] + snpinfo[11:]) + "\n") snp_line = infile.readline() ref_count_h5.close() alt_count_h5.close() def process_one_snp(snpinfo, ref_count_h5, alt_count_h5, error): chrm = snpinfo[0] # positions of target SNPs snplocs = [int(y.strip()) for y in snpinfo[9].split(';')] # heterozygote probabilities of target SNPs hetps = [float(y.strip()) for y in snpinfo[10].split(';')] update_hetps = [] ref_node = ref_count_h5.get_node("/%s" % chrm) alt_node = alt_count_h5.get_node("/%s" % chrm) for i in range(len(snplocs)): pos = snplocs[i] adr = ref_node[pos-1] ada = alt_node[pos-1] update_hetps.append(str(get_posterior_hetp(hetps[i], adr, ada, error))) return update_hetps def get_posterior_hetp(hetp_prior, adr, ada, error): prior = min(0.99, hetp_prior) badlike = addlogs(math.log(error)*adr + math.log(1-error)*ada, math.log(1-error)*adr + math.log(error)*ada) goodlike = math.log(0.5)*adr + math.log(0.5)*ada if goodlike-badlike > 40: # avoid overflow (very close to 1.0) return 1.0 else: return prior*math.exp(goodlike - badlike) / (prior*math.exp(goodlike - badlike) + (1.0 - prior)) def addlogs(loga, logb): return max(loga, logb) + math.log(1+math.exp(-abs(loga-logb))) main()