Triple mouse M Double glass window, no artificial dura Behaving in Simon's 2-mode detection task Visual expert 5/26/18 Objective at 12.5 PMT at 445 Task, starting audio trials only. Later set to 10% vision trials. At the end, collected some additional visual trials. Using normal LED "house lights" Imaging at vessel, anteriomedial of the window Depth 185 um Laser 33% Continuous imaging, signal looks good. Scanners at 2.5V. Movement seems ok. Chasing Z-drift: 3000 up 2 9000 up 2 12000 up 2 17000 up 2 21000 up 2 26000 up 2 28000 up 2 32000 down 5 seems like recording has very slow or no drift. will have to be careful to not over correct. Performance seems fine so far. ~75% audio after 100 trials. Shielding is good - no visible impact from visual stimulus. 40000 up 1 50000 up 1 Switching to vision after 400 performed trials to make sure we get enough non-trained responses. Should have a lot of audio responses by now. After 450 performed trials at switched to 50/50 audiovisual trials. Audio performance got worse towards the end of the session. Might leave some of those trials away. Overall great session. Audio ~75%, vision 50%, signal was good and stable and 500+ performed trials.