[System] ;Specifies global configuration settings for the instrument. InstrumentName = NS500269 ;Indicates the name of the instrument. [Flowcell] ;Configuration items for flow cell objects. ActualXEdgeOfSlide = 0.0062 ; ActualYEdgeOfSlide = -0.0728 ; Flowcell1XOffset = 0 ; Flowcell1YOffset = 0 ; [PreRunChecks] ;Pre-run Checks SkipRequiredSoftwareCheck = False ;Skip the check for required software. SkipNetworkConnectionCheck = False ;Skip the check network connection check. SkipNetworkDiskSpaceCheck = False ;Skip the check for sufficient disk space at the Output Folder location. SkipInstrumentDiskSpaceCheck = False ;Skip the check for sufficient disk space at the Run Folder location. SkipConsumablesLoadedCheck = False ;Skip the check for all consumables properly loaded. SkipBitErrorRateCheck = False ;Skip the Bit Error Rate check. SkipZStepAndSettleCheck = False ;Skip the check for Z stage step-and-settle times. SkipWasteBottleFullCheck = False ;Skip the check for the waste bottle not being full. SkipDoorsClosedCheck = False ;Skip the check for all doors closed. SkipBsmCheck = False ;Skip the BSM check. SkipValveResponseCheck = False ;Skip the valve response check. SkipFluidicsInitializationCheck = False ;Skip the check for the fluidics system being properly initialized. SkipImagingLimitsCheck = False ;Skip the imaging limits check. SkipTemperatureCheck = False ;Skip the check for proper temperature ramping. SkipFlowCellRegistrationCheck = False ;Skip the flow cell registration test SkipClipCheck = True ;Skip the objective clip check SkipTempSensorsCheck = False ;Skip the temperature sensors check. SkipFanCheck = False ;Skip the fan check. SkipAutoCenterCheck = False ;Skip the auto center check. SkipVerifyInputFilesCheck = False ;Skip the verify input files check. [ImagingModule.CameraModule1] ;Settings for the read head. FocusCenterZMm = -0.02964271 ;Z position for the center of coarse and fine focus ChromatismRedToGreenDeltaZMm = -0.002945356 ;Delta-Z used for chromatism between the Red and Green channels. FocusLaserExposureMS = 1.7 ;Camera exposure time in ms RelativeCameraPositionXUm = -8.52108 ;Stores delta X value of this camera's position relative to the reference camera (camera 2). RelativeCameraPositionYUm = -3.872871 ;Stores delta Y value of this camera's position relative to the reference camera (camera 2). [ImagingModule.CameraModule2] ;Settings for the read head. FocusCenterZMm = -0.03948267 ;Z position for the center of coarse and fine focus ChromatismRedToGreenDeltaZMm = -0.00261328 ;Delta-Z used for chromatism between the Red and Green channels. FocusLaserExposureMS = 1.9 ;Camera exposure time in ms RelativeCameraPositionXUm = 0 ;Stores delta X value of this camera's position relative to the reference camera (camera 2). RelativeCameraPositionYUm = 0 ;Stores delta Y value of this camera's position relative to the reference camera (camera 2). [ImagingModule.CameraModule3] ;Settings for the read head. FocusCenterZMm = -0.006959954 ;Z position for the center of coarse and fine focus ChromatismRedToGreenDeltaZMm = -0.002583555 ;Delta-Z used for chromatism between the Red and Green channels. FocusLaserExposureMS = 1.5 ;Camera exposure time in ms RelativeCameraPositionXUm = 7.746696 ;Stores delta X value of this camera's position relative to the reference camera (camera 2). RelativeCameraPositionYUm = -1.548767 ;Stores delta Y value of this camera's position relative to the reference camera (camera 2). [ImagingModule.CameraModule4] ;Settings for the read head. FocusCenterZMm = -0.0001879678 ;Z position for the center of coarse and fine focus ChromatismRedToGreenDeltaZMm = -0.002845008 ;Delta-Z used for chromatism between the Red and Green channels. FocusLaserExposureMS = 1.5 ;Camera exposure time in ms RelativeCameraPositionXUm = 6.197453 ;Stores delta X value of this camera's position relative to the reference camera (camera 2). RelativeCameraPositionYUm = -9.295464 ;Stores delta Y value of this camera's position relative to the reference camera (camera 2). [ImagingModule.CameraModule5] ;Settings for the read head. FocusCenterZMm = -0.01860597 ;Z position for the center of coarse and fine focus ChromatismRedToGreenDeltaZMm = -0.002887521 ;Delta-Z used for chromatism between the Red and Green channels. FocusLaserExposureMS = 1.4 ;Camera exposure time in ms RelativeCameraPositionXUm = 3.873348 ;Stores delta X value of this camera's position relative to the reference camera (camera 2). RelativeCameraPositionYUm = -6.196976 ;Stores delta Y value of this camera's position relative to the reference camera (camera 2). [ImagingModule.CameraModule6] ;Settings for the read head. FocusCenterZMm = 0.002832399 ;Z position for the center of coarse and fine focus ChromatismRedToGreenDeltaZMm = -0.002569047 ;Delta-Z used for chromatism between the Red and Green channels. FocusLaserExposureMS = 1.8 ;Camera exposure time in ms RelativeCameraPositionXUm = -11.61957 ;Stores delta X value of this camera's position relative to the reference camera (camera 2). RelativeCameraPositionYUm = -2.323151 ;Stores delta Y value of this camera's position relative to the reference camera (camera 2). [Fluidics.FlowCellFluidics1.IxFlowCellTemp] ;Settings for the temp controller. TemperatureOffset = 0 ;Set the offset between the readback and flowcell. CalibrationLowTarget = 16 ;The temperature which is the set point for the low temperature calibration point. CalibrationLowMeasured = 16 ;The temperature the technician measured at the low temperature point during the calibration procedure. CalibrationHighTarget = 70 ;The temperature which is the set point for the high temperature calibration point. CalibrationHighMeasured = 70 ;The temperature the technician measured at the high temperature point during the calibration procedure. [Fluidics.FlowCellFluidics1.IxPressureSensor1] ;Settings for the pressure sensor. Gain = 67.82 ;Standard transducer calibration. Intercept = -19.2 ;Approximate intercept to be set at manufacturing. [Fluidics.FlowCellFluidics1.IxPressureSensor2] ;Settings for the pressure sensor. Gain = 67.82 ;Standard transducer calibration. Intercept = -19.2 ;Approximate intercept to be set at manufacturing.